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Chainlink Cross-Chain Services: CCIP and ARM Network audit details

  • Total Prize Pool: $305,000 USDC
    • HM awards: $185,000 USDC
    • QA awards: $5,000 USDC
    • Bot Race awards: $5,000 USDC
    • Gas awards: $5,000 USDC
    • Judge awards: $38,400 USDC
    • Lookout awards: $15,600 USDC
    • Scout awards: $1,000 USDC
    • Mitigation Review: $50,000 USDC (Opportunity goes to top 3 certified wardens based on placement in this audit.)
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  • Starts May 26, 2023 20:00 UTC
  • Ends June 12, 2023 20:00 UTC

IMPORTANT NOTE: Prior to receiving payment from this audit you MUST become a Certified Warden (successfully complete KYC). This also applies to bot crews. You do not have to complete this process before competing or submitting bugs. You must have started this process within 48 hours after the audit ends, i.e. by June 14, 2023 at 20:00 UTC in order to receive payment.

❗ Please note that outside of the automated findings output, the findings and audit report will remain private to the sponsor team only.

Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues

Automated findings output for the audit can be found here. See related note in the C4 Discord.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the automated findings output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.


The Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) provides a standard for developers to build applications that can send messages and transfer value across multiple blockchains.


A CCIP lane is a set of contracts and off-chain DONs(Decentralized Oracle Networks) that enable a message to be securely sent from Chain A to Chain B.

Lane Diagram


Contracts in white are chain specific, contracts in green are lane specific. The purple Dapps are customer contracts.

NOTE: This image only shows a simplified view of the message flow, it does not include all CCIP contracts, most notably it omits the ARM and PriceRegistry.

Lane Components

Source Router

  • The entry and exit point for all CCIP transactions.
  • This contract will be responsible for initiating ccipSend and handling token approvals.
  • This contract will then route to the destination-specific OnRamp.
  • One router can send messages to various chains, therefore, only a single router exists per chain, and is shared across lanes. This means customers only have to know about one single address to send and receive messages.
  • This is also the only contract that they ever have to approve tokens for.


  • Lane specific keeper of sequenceNumbers and nonces.
  • As opposed to the router, this contract is lane specific, meaning there is an onRamp instance for every lane.
  • This contract performs destination chain-specific validity checks.
  • This contract is Responsible for fee calculations and charging fees.
  • If the message includes tokens, the contract interacts with the TokenPool to lock or burn the token.
  • Emits the CCIPSendRequested event.


  • An abstraction layer over ERC20 tokens to facilitate OnRamp and OffRamp token-related operations.
  • Token pools have several types, e.g. LockReleaseTokenPool, BurnMintTokenPool. The interfaces are abstract to allow for CCIP to not have to know if a tokens need to be burned or locked in a pool.
  • TokenPools can rate limit the number of tokens released to limit risk.
  • TokenPools are shared across lanes. For a token on a given chain, different onRamps and offRamps will use the same token pool instance.
  • One token pool is deployed for each token.

DON (Decentralized Oracle Network)

  • Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Networks run Chainlink OCR2 — a BFT protocol among n participants, up to f of which can be faulty (e.g. act maliciously).
  • The protocol runs in rounds and in each round a value may be agreed upon (the report). A report that is produced is attested by a quorum of participants. The report is then transmitted on-chain by one of the participants. No one single participant is responsible for transmitting on every round, and all of them will attempt to do so in a round-robin fashion until a transmission has taken place.
  • CCIP has two OCR2 DON committees:
    • Committing DON: responsible for committing to the cross-chain message using a merkle root.
    • Executing DON: responsible for executing the cross-chain message.


  • Implements OCR2Base, entry point for the Committing DON. CommitStore is lane-specific.
  • Checks if every report is transmitted by a valid Committing DON node and signed by right number of nodes in the DON. Stores merkle roots on the destination chain for contiguous sequence numbers of a given lane.
  • Messages are aggregated in batches, and a merkle tree is built for each batch. During Executing DON transmissions, or manual execution, a message can be look up in the merkle tree to verify its existence and correctness.


  • Implements OCR2BaseNoChecks, entry point for the Executing DON. OffRamp is lane-specific.
  • Checks if a report is transmitted by a executing DON node, does not check signatures. Any Executing DON node can in theory attempt message execution at any time.
  • Mainly uses OCR2 for allowListing and compatibility with existing code.
  • Ensures that the message is authentic by verifying the proof provided by the Executing DON against the committed merkle root in CommitStore.
  • Ensures that the ARM (Active Risk Management Network) is not stopping message execution.
  • Ensures that message execution state is valid, e.g. each message can only be executed once.
  • Release or mint sent tokens to the receiver.
  • Invokes destination router.

Destination Router

  • A fixed address from which ccipReceive calls are made.
  • The distinction between source and destination routers is only made as an example, they are in fact a single contract per chain that does both tasks.

Additional Components


  • Keeper of pricing information any token in the system and the gas cost of destination chains.
  • It is only deployed once per chain and thereby aggregates all price information of all lanes. Receives feeUpdates from the Commit DON to update the gas costs for other lanes.


  • Active Risk Management Network
  • Entry point for the ARM DON, this DON is not a CL Node but a separate, minimal, Rust implementation of a DON.
  • Is able to halt the entire CCIP protocol using DON voting. This should only happen in critical failure scenarios.


  • RateLimiter
    • Bucket based rate limiter for token value. NOTE: does not rate limit the data field of a CCIP message, even though significant value could be contained there. This is because CCIP has no way of knowing that the effect of the bytes payload is on the destination chain.

Message Lifecycle

  1. [Approvals] Sending dapp, for a given message, must approve at least feeAmount of the feeToken to the router where feeAmount is the amount returned by getFee(uint64 destinationChainSelector, Client.EVM2AnyMessage message) returns (uint256 fee). If the dapp is using sending tokens then, before calling ccipSend the sender must have approved the router to take at least the token amount they want to transfer. Dapp may manage the approval or provide an infinite one should they not want to deal with that.

  2. The sender calls ccipSend(uint64 destinationChainSelector, Client.EVM2AnyMessage memory message) returns (bytes32 messageId) providing the message they wish to send to destinationChainID. All relevant information is included in the message and a unique messageId is returned for tracking purposes.

  3. The Committing DON comes to consensus on finalized events emitted from ccipSend, batches them into a root and writes the root to the destination chain. DON’s signatures are verified on the destination chain.

  4. Members of the ARM (Active Risk Management Network) verify the Committing DON’s root and vote to “bless” it. Once sufficient votes have been acquired, it becomes available for execution.

  5. The Executing DON comes to consensus on a set of executable messages (correct sequencing, within lane rate limits etc.) and submits a batch of executions to the offramp. For each execution the message gets routed through the router on the destination chain to the users specified receiver via ccipReceive(Client.Any2EVMMessage calldata message)


  • Contract interfaces are defined under /contracts/interfaces
  • Client-facing CCIP message types are defined in /contracts/libraries/Client.sol


You can find example application code under /contracts/applications

Example Description
PingPongDemo.sol A simple ping-pong contract for demonstrating cross-chain communication
ImmutableExample.sol Example of an immutable client example which supports EVM/non-EVM chains

NOTE: these contracts are examples and not in scope of this audit.

Trust Assumptions

  • Owner for all contracts will be a Committing DON controlled owner contract
  • Tokens will be audited prior to whitelisting.
  • Reasons for not listing a token could be, but are not limited to:
    • Tokens that are rebasing.
    • Tokens with fee-on-transfer logic.
    • Token decimals and token prices outside a reasonable range. Can cause price format (see below) to overflow or be truncated to 0.

Price Format

Both Billing and AggregateRateLimiter (Rate limit based on aggregated USD value) requires token price feeds. Token prices are stored in PriceRegistry.

Since tokens can vary in decimals, prices are stored as USD (with 18 decimals) per 1e18 of the smallest token denomination. A price of 1e18 represents 1 USD per 1e18 token amount.


  • 1 USDC = 1.00 USD per full token, each full token is 1e6 units -> 1 * 1e18 * 1e18 / 1e6 = 1e30
  • 1 ETH = 2,000 USD per full token, each full token is 1e18 units -> 2000 * 1e18 * 1e18 / 1e18 = 2_000e18
  • 1 LINK = 5.00 USD per full token, each full token is 1e18 units -> 5 * 1e18 * 1e18 / 1e18 = 5e18


A single fee is paid on the source chain. The message will be executed on the destination chain with the caveat that execution might be delayed. See section below on execution latency for details.

Fee Calculation

A cache of recent destination gas prices and feeToken prices, is maintained on the source chain. Updates are done either by piggy backing on commits to that source chain or via timeout. The timeout provides a configurable maximum destination gas price staleness. The fee charged is calculated as follows:

fee(msg) = execution_fee + token_transfer_fee;

Execution Fee

execution_fee = network_fee + feeTokenPerUnitGasOnDestination * (msg.gasLimit + destinationGasOverhead) * (multiplier) 

Details on each parameter:

  • network_fee: the fee for CCIP node operators and any coordinator
  • feeTokenPerUnitGasOnDestination: the cached destination gas price per unit fee token
  • msg.gasLimit: the user specified message gas limit, current maximum is 4M
  • destinationGasOverhead: the average overhead incurred on the destination chain by CCIP to process the message
  • multiplier: a scaling factor for execution costs, will be tuned according to actual execution costs to avoid CCIP node operators from incurring losses (unusual gas spikes etc.).

Token Transfer Fee

token_transfer_fee =
		max(minFee, bpsValue)

where bpsValue is defined as tokenAmount * price * bps ratio

Details on each parameter:

  • minFee

    • the minimum fee to charge per transfer of a given token , denoted in US cents
    • will be charged even if the value or amount of token transferred is 0
    • can be 0
  • maxFee

    • the maximum fee to charge per transfer of a given token
    • denoted in US cents
    • can be 0
  • ratio

    • the bps fee to charge per transfer of a given token
    • denoted in 0.1 bps, or 0.001%
    • stored as uint16, range is [0, 65%]
    • can be 0


Execution Latency

If the fee paid on source is within an acceptable range of the estimated execution cost, the Executing DON will execute immediately after (sourceChainFinality + root committed + ARM approval of the root). Should the fee be significantly lower than the estimated execution cost (i.e. gas price spike), CCIP will slowly ignore greater portion of the fee gap to eventually ensure execution.

Long delay (> 1hr) scenarios should be exceedingly rare (occurring on the order of once a year) and only apply to specific chains (e.g. eth mainnet), nevertheless, if a user wishes to execute anyway, they will have the option of manually executing the message after a window of time through the CCIP explorer.

Gas Limit

The gasLimit specifies the maximum amount of gas that can be consumed to execute the ccipReceive() implementation on the destination blockchain. Unspent gas is not refunded.

If you want to transfer tokens directly to an EOA address as receiver on the destination chain, you should explicitly set gasLimit to 0 given there is no ccipReceive() implementation to call (and consume gas).

If extraArgs is left empty (0 length byte array), a default of 200,000 gas will be set.

Following options might be helpful to estimate the proper gas limit:


Messages from a given sender to a given destination chain will always be executed in the order in which they are sent. If the strict: true is set in extraArgs, then a ccipReceive revert will ⚠️cause subsequent message from the same sender to be blocked until that message is executed ⚠️. Use with extreme caution to avoid blocking messages from the sender forever. Receiver dapps using strict: true should be prepared to do one of the following:

  • Take some out of band action to alter the dapp state to permit a successful manually execution of the message so the sequence can continue (effectively implement a “skip message” escape hatch)
  • Abandon the inflight messages from the sender via a source chain upgrade or some other mechanism

Furthermore they need to be certain that the receiver is the intended receiver. We recommend testing without strict first.

Manual Execution

Manual execution will be available through CL supplied scripts or via the CCIP UI. Anyone can develop their own tooling to assist in manually executing but given the need to construct a valid merkle tree CCIP will be issuing tooling to assist in this process.

Manual execution window begins after permissionLessExecutionThresholdSeconds has passed since the time the message was included in CommitStore.

Chain Selector

CCIP does not use (evm)chainIds as the protocol is chain family agnostic and there is no unified schema that would fit all chain families. This is why CCIP introduces the notion of CCIP Chain Selectors, a randomly chosen uint64 value per unique blockchain. Upon deploying to a new blockchain, if no chainSelector is available yet, one will be issued. These chainSelectors are required for sending txs, as ccipSend requires the destination to be specified with this selector, and not a chainId.

Active Risk Management Network (ARM)

The Active Risk Management Network is a hybrid system comprising offchain and onchain components:

  • There is one ARM contract per supported chain.
  • There are n ARM offchain nodes that continually monitor all supported chains.

The ARM acts as a secondary validation service (or a lightweight form of n-version programming) that continually monitors the behavior of the primary CCIP system. The ARM implementation aims to be independent from the primary system. This greatly reduces the likelihood that the ARM and the primary system are affected by the same (hypothetical) security vulnerability. The ARM implementation also aims to minimize external dependencies to reduce the risk of supply chain attack. Throughout this document, we generally assume that the ARM is operating correctly unless explicitly otherwise noted.

Note that the ARM only interacts with the various source and destination chains supported by CCIP. It does not interact with the primary system in any other way. Individual ARM nodes also only interact with one another via the chains.

The ARM has two main modes of operations that both run in parallel, Blessing and Cursing.


The ARM continually monitors all Merkle roots of messages that are committed on each destination chain.

Whenever a new Merkle root appears, the ARM will attempt to independently reconstruct it by fetching all messages contained in the Merkle tree from the finalized prefix of the source chain. It will then check that the independently constructed root matches. Due to the Collision-Resistance property of Merkle trees, if the Merkle tree contains any message that does not exactly match what the ARM observes on the source chain, the Merkle root observed on the destination chain will not match the reconstructed Merkle root.

Only if the Merkle root matches, the ARM will bless the root: Upon successfully verifying a match, the ARM node will send a vote to bless the root to the ARM contract. The ARM contract keeps track of the votes. Once a quorum of votes has been reached, it will consider a Merkle root blessed.

The CCIP OffRamp contract enforces that only messages in a Merkle root that is considered blessed by the ARM contract can be executed. Consequently, we are protected from security vulnerabilities in the CCIP offchain system that lead to mistakenly committed Merkle roots. The ARM will never bless such a Merkle root.

The ARM owner can undo a mistaken blessing. This is an escape hatch in case of bugs in the offchain blessing logic leading to false blessings.


The ARM continually monitors all chains for anomalies. If an anomaly is detected by an ARM node, the ARM node will send votes to curse on all appropriate ARM contracts. Once a quorum of such votes has been reached on a chain, the ARM contract will curse and CCIP will be automatically paused on that chain until the situation is assessed by the owner, and the curse is potentially lifted.

Anomalous conditions that would warrant a curse include:

  • Finality violations: Finality is violated on one of the source chains
  • Execution safety violations: A message is executed for which there is no matching message on the source chain. Double executions of messages (each message may only be executed once!) also fall into this category.

The ARM owner can also directly trigger a curse.

ARM Contract

The ARM contract exposes a two-method interface to the other CCIP contracts that corresponds to the two modes of operation

  • isBlessed(taggedRoot) returns a boolean indicating whether the root is blessed
  • isCursed() returns a boolean indicating whether the ARM has cursed

The contract maintains a group of nodes (authenticated by their addresses) that are authorized to participate in the ARM. Each node has an address from which it votes to curse, an address from which it votes to bless, an address from which it can unvote to curse, a curse weight, and a bless weight.

The contract also maintains two thresholds that are used to determine whether a quorum has been reached on blessing/cursing, the blessing threshold and cursing threshold, respectively.

The voting logic for blessings is straightforward: The weights of all votes for a root are added up. If the sum exceeds the blessing threshold, the root is considered blessed.

The voting logic for curses is slightly more complex, because we want to be careful to never accidentally undo a curse: Every vote to curse carries a random 32 byte id assigned by the ARM node that sends the vote. An ARM node may have multiple active votes to curse at any time. An ARM node is considered to have voted to curse if there is at least one active vote to curse by that node. If the sum of the weights of the ARM nodes that have voted to curse exceeds the curse threshold, the ARM contract considers the system cursed.

In case an ARM node erroneously voted to curse (which would imply a faulty RPC or bug in the ARM code) once or multiple times, and while the ARM contract has not cursed, the ARM node has the ability to undo all their curses.

If the ARM contract is cursed, only the owner of the contract can interact with it. The owner has the ability, after becoming satisfied that all issues due to which ARM nodes voted to curse have been addressed, to unvote to curse on behalf of ARM nodes. If as a result of this, enough active votes to curse are inactivated such that the sum of weights of ARM nodes with active votes to curse drops below the curse threshold, the curse is lifted.


Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
Router.sol 183 Entry and exit contract for CCIP @openzeppelin/*
ARM.sol 422 Active Risk Management, a second layer of security for CCIP -
PriceRegistry.sol 165 Contains pricing information in USD for any CCIP supported token for that chain @openzeppelin/*
CommitStore.sol 137 Security critical contract that stores the merkle roots for tx batches -
AggregateRateLimiter.sol 52 Token bucket based rate limiting with token prices @openzeppelin/*
OwnerIsCreator.sol 5 Simply contracts that enforces the creator becomes the owner -
onRamp/EVM2EVMOnRamp.sol 526 The chain family specific gateway to a destination chain. Emits the ccipSendRequested event @openzeppelin/*
offRamp/EVM2EVMOffRamp.sol 365 The chain family specific execution contract on the destination chain. @openzeppelin/*
ocr/OCR2Abstract.sol 72 Abstract contract for OCR2 logic -
ocr/OCR2Base.sol 169 Base contract for OCR2 logic, checks transmitters and signatures are valid before calling underlying contracts -
ocr/OCR2BaseNoChecks.sol 137 Base contract for OCR2 logic, only checks transmitters and not signatures before calling underlying contracts -
pools/TokenPool.sol 89 Abstract base functionality of a token pool @openzeppelin/*
pools/BurnMintTokenPool.sol 30 Burn mint implementation of a token pool, required burn and mint privileges from the token -
pools/LockReleaseTokenPool.sol 49 Lock release implementation of a token pool. Does not require permissions but does require liquidity to release tokens @openzeppelin/*
pools/ThirdPartyBurnMintTokenPool.sol 43 Example contract for third party owned burn mint pools. Contains extra checks on adding offRamps @openzeppelin/*
pools/USDC/USDCTokenPool.sol 110 USDC specific implementation of a token pool @openzeppelin/*
pools/tokens/ERC677.sol 20 Basic ERC677 implementation @openzeppelin/*
pools/tokens/BurnMintERC677.sol 39 Burn mint ERC677 to be compliant with token pool requirements @openzeppelin/*
libraries/Internal.sol 81 Internal structs, functions and enum -
libraries/Client.sol 29 Client facing structs and function to be shared with customers -
libraries/RateLimiter.sol 73 Basic bucket based rate limiter library -
libraries/MerkleMultiProof.sol 38 Merkle multi proof to allow multiple leaves to be proven efficiently -
libraries/USDPriceWith18Decimals.sol 9 Basic math operations to work with our 18 decimal token prices -
interfaces/IPriceRegistry.sol 20 PriceRegistry interface -
interfaces/pools/IPool.sol 19 Token pool interface @openzeppelin/*
interfaces/IEVM2AnyOnRamp.sol 18 Generic onRamp interface @openzeppelin/*
interfaces/IRouterClient.sol 17 External Router interface -
interfaces/IRouter.sol 11 Internal Router interface -
interfaces/IARM.sol 9 ARM interface -
interfaces/ICommitStore.sol 9 CommitStore interface -
interfaces/pools/IBurnMintERC20.sol 7 BurnMintERC20 interface @openzeppelin/*
interfaces/IERC677.sol 6 ERC677 interface -
interfaces/IAny2EVMMessageReceiver.sol 5 Generic message receiver interface -
interfaces/IWrappedNative.sol 5 Wrapped native interface @openzeppelin/*
interfaces/IAny2EVMOffRamp.sol 4 Generic offRamp interface -
interfaces/IERC677Receiver.sol 4 ERC677 receiver interface -
interfaces/ITypeAndVersion.sol 4 TypeAndVersion interface -
interfaces/automation/ILinkAvailable.sol 4 LinkAvailable interface -
SUM 2985

Out of scope

Any file not in the contracts folder is out of scope. There are two external dependencies: the folder foundry-lib contains the Foundry dependency forge-std and the folder vendor contains OpenZeppelin contracts. Besides these two folders, there is a libraries folder containing generic Chainlink contracts that are not specific to CCIP and also out of scope.

/contracts/pools/USDC/{IMessageReceiver.sol, ITokenMessenger.sol}

Additional Context

The MerkleMultiProof uses an algorithm to allow solving of multiple leaves, based on figure 7 of Improving Stateless Hash-Based Signatures.

Areas of concern

The main points of concern would be

  • Re-execution
  • Re-entrancy
  • Loss of funds
  • Arbitrary execution
  • ARM Network bypass
  • Rate limiting violations
  • DoS
    • We are aware of the potential DoS vector of sending large amounts of tokens back and forth. We believe charging tokens bps to be a sufficient disincentive for this attack vector.

Scoping Details

- If you have a public code repo, please share it here: N/A 
- How many contracts are in scope?: 38
- Total SLoC for these contracts?: With test files: 9833, Without test files: 2985 
- How many external imports are there?: 1: Openzeppelin v4.8.0 
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?: 15 interfaces and ~50 struct definitions
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?:   
- How many external calls?:  N/A
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?: 97%
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?: No  
- Please describe required context:  N/A 
- Does it use an oracle?:  Yes, Chainlink DON
- Does the token conform to the ERC20 standard?:  N/A
- Are there any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models?: Merkle multi proof
- Does it use a timelock function?:  N/A
- Is it an NFT?: N/A 
- Does it have an AMM?: N/A 
- Is it a fork of a popular project?:   No
- Does it use rollups?:  N/A 
- Is it multi-chain?:  N/A
- Does it use a side-chain?: Yes; this is a cross-chain product. EVM compatible.


This repository uses Foundry tests that are located in contracts/test. All dependencies have been made part of this repository and no manual installation is required.

If the test produce failures or unexpected results, please ensure your local foundry dependencies are up to date using foundryup. All tests have been successfully run with nightly-a26edce5d2e1ad28d833328b22e857ecb7075e63.

To run the test

forge test

To generate a gas snapshot

forge snapshot

To generate a code coverage report. Please note that Foundry code coverage doesn't appear to work well with libraries, often reporting zero coverage.

forge coverage

To install Foundry

curl -L | bash

To run Slither

slither . --foundry-out-directory artifacts


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