Capacitor AdMob πΈ
Capacitor AdMob is a native AdMob implementation for IOS & Android. Now you can use this package as a Ionic Capacitor Plugin in your App.
- Implement AdMob iOS SDK.
Fixed Plugin throws error when trying to show reward video #2
Fixed AD overlapping tabs #4
Fixed Cause: startup failed #7
- iOS
- Android
Plugins | Android | iOS | Electron | PWA |
MoPub | β | β | β | β |
Thanks for considering donate.
If this plugin help you to earn few dollars, please don't forget to share your profit, because "Sharing is Caring". Your donation will inspire me a lot to give more time on open-source project & help you by creating more useful plugins.
Methond | Type | Amount | Link |
---|---|---|---| | Once | Any | |
Paypal | Monthly | $5 | |
Paypal | Monthly | $10 | |
Paypal | Monthly | $25 | |
Paypal | Monthly | $50 | |
Download Demo App from Here
Basic Banner AD | Interstitial AD | Interstitial Video AD | Reward Video AD |
![]() |
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![]() |
Basic Banner AD | Interstitial AD | Interstitial Video AD | Reward Video AD |
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![]() |
cd admob-demo
npm install
ionic build
npx cap copy
npx cap sync
npx cap update
npx cap open android
============== Or just use this command ===========
npm install & ionic build & npx cap copy & npx cap sync & npx cap update & npx cap open android
Use AdMob plugins in your app.
npm install --save capacitor-admob
Open your App/App/Info.plist file and add this plist value
line at the right spot (and replace the value by the actual App ID of your app!):
<!-- this two line needs to be added -->
<!-- replace this value with your App ID key-->
Open your android/app/src/Android/AndroidManifest.xml file and add this meta-data
line at the right spot (and replace the value by the actual App ID of your app!):
<!-- this line needs to be added (replace the value!) -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713" />
Open your Ionic Capacitor App in Android Studio, Now open of your app and Register AdMob to Capacitor Plugins.
// Other imports...
import app.xplatform.capacitor.plugins.AdMob;
public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{
add(AdMob.class); // Add AdMob as a Capacitor Plugin
Open your Ionic app app.component.ts file and add this folloing code.
import { Plugins } from "@capacitor/core";
// import { initialize } from 'capacitor-admob'; No longar required
const { AdMob } = Plugins;
selector: "app-root",
templateUrl: "app.component.html",
styleUrls: ["app.component.scss"]
export class AppComponent {
constructor() {
// Initialize AdMob for your Application
AdMob.initialize("YOUR APPID");
import { Plugins } from "@capacitor/core";
import { AdOptions, AdSize, AdPosition } from "capacitor-admob";
const { AdMob } = Plugins;
selector: "admob",
templateUrl: "admob.component.html",
styleUrls: ["admob.component.scss"]
export class AdMobComponent {
options: AdOptions = {
adId: "YOUR ADID",
adSize: AdSize.BANNER,
position: AdPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER
constructor() {
// Show Banner Ad
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
// Subscibe Banner Event Listener
AdMob.addListener("onAdLoaded", (info: boolean) => {
console.log("Banner Ad Loaded");
// Hide the banner, remove it from screen, but can show it later
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.err(error); // show error
// Resume the banner, show it after hide
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
// Destroy the banner, remove it from screen.
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
This following Event Listener can be called in Banner AD.
addListener(eventName: 'onAdLoaded', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onAdFailedToLoad', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onAdOpened', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onAdClosed', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
import { Plugins } from "@capacitor/core";
import { AdOptions } from "capacitor-admob";
const { AdMob } = Plugins;
selector: "admob",
templateUrl: "admob.component.html",
styleUrls: ["admob.component.scss"]
export class AppComponent {
options: AdOptions = {
adId: "Your AD_Id",
adSize: AdSize.SMART_BANNER,
position: AdPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER,
hasTabBar: false, // make it true if you have TabBar Layout.
tabBarHeight: 56 // you can assign custom margin in pixel default is 56
constructor() {
// Prepare interstitial banner
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
// Subscibe Banner Event Listener
AdMob.addListener("onAdLoaded", (info: boolean) => {
// You can call showInterstitial() here or anytime you want.
console.log("Interstitial Ad Loaded");
// Show interstitial ad when itβs ready
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
This following Event Listener can be called in Interstitial AD
addListener(eventName: 'onAdLoaded', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onAdFailedToLoad', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onAdOpened', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onAdClosed', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onAdLeftApplication', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
import { Plugins } from "@capacitor/core";
import { AdOptions } from "capacitor-admob";
const { AdMob } = Plugins;
selector: "admob",
templateUrl: "admob.component.html",
styleUrls: ["admob.component.scss"]
export class AAdMobComponent {
options: AdOptions = {
constructor() {
// Prepare ReWardVideo
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
// Subscibe ReWardVideo Event Listener
AdMob.addListener("onRewardedVideoAdLoaded", (info: boolean) => {
// You can call showRewardVideoAd() here or anytime you want.
console.log("RewardedVideoAd Loaded");
// Show a RewardVideo AD
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
// Pause a RewardVideo AD
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
// Resume a RewardVideo AD
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
// Stop a RewardVideo AD
value => {
console.log(value); // true
error => {
console.error(error); // show error
This following Event Listener can be called in RewardedVideo
addListener(eventName: 'onRewardedVideoAdLoaded', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onRewardedVideoAdOpened', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onRewardedVideoStarted', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onRewardedVideoAdClosed', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onRewarded', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onRewardedVideoAdLeftApplication', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onRewardedVideoAdFailedToLoad', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'onRewardedVideoCompleted', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
interface AdOptions {
adId: string;
adSize?: AdSize;
position?: AdPosition;
hasTabBar?: boolean; // optional: default false
tabBarHeight?: number; // set cutom height in pixal default is 56
userId?: string; // RewardedVideo ONLY, Optional user ID useful when using SSV// Height in Pixal
enum AdSize {
enum AdPosition {
- π Star this repository
- π Open issue for feature requests
Capacitor AdMob is MIT licensed.