Some Advice...
Break this up into 3 parts
- HTML structure & Main Elements
- Navbar
- Footer
Talk with your partner and then divide and conquer
- One of you tackle the HTML structure/main elements
- One of you complete the navbar and footer
For the main elements
- Start with just putting the main elements on the page
- the logo image and search form.
- then get them placed horizontally.
- You can either download the Google logo or link directly to its URL on the web in your
- Start with just putting the main elements on the page
For the Navbar
- First build the content (if it hasn't been placed in the HTML)
- THEN try to position it.
- google: "how to build a horizontal CSS navbar" if you get lost lost.
For the Footer
- This will be similar to the navbar
- you'll probably have to make 2 separate lists to make it look right.
Other Notes:
- You'll want to 'Sign Out' or open a new Incognito window to view the Google homepage without customization
- DONT BE A PERFECTIONIST! You're just trying to make it look like (not function like it)
- Don't worry about spacing things exactly to the pixel.
- Ignore the little microphone in the
box, as well as hover-highlighting and other bells and whistles. - Try to do as much and you can before relying on the developer tools (or viewing the page's source code).