- Update the file for changing the project credentials
- All Features files.
1.update tags in RunCukesTest for executing particular feature file.
@All - This tag includes both frontend and backend cases
@backend - This tag is for all backend cases
@frontend - This tag is for all frontend cases
Execute these commands according to the cases that you want to execute
mvn test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@All"
mvn test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@frontend"
mvn test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@backend"
- General functions are defined in ResusableMethods class
- WebDriver related functions defined in WebDriverFactory class
- defined step definition for cucumber steps in stepdefs Packages
- Java JDK 8+ should be installed
- JAVA_HOME environment variable should be set
Steps to setup:
- Clone repository
- Open project on IntelliJ through pom.xml file
Steps to execute script:
- Right click TestRunner file and Run it
- Wait for full execution