🔭 I’m currently working on Quick Deployment
🌱 I’m currently learning System Design, AWS
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Fullstack projects
💬 Ask me about LAMP, DevOps, MERN, Flask, Laravel, System Design, Data Analysis, Cyber Security, Automation, and any general software development questions.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🗂️ Portfolio rohanprajapati.dev (Under Dev.)
🗂️ Peerlist Portfolio profile.rohanprajapati.dev
- Batch Scripting
- Shell Scripting
- Jinja2
- Blade Engine
- MariaDB
- GoDaddy
- Hostinger
- Linode
- Zookeeper
- Apache
- LightSpeed
- Parrot
- Alpine Linux
- Shell
- Batch
- VI
- Puppeteer
- requests
- beautifulsoup
- Puppeteer
- Socket.io
- Laravel Reverb
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Chart.js
- NumPy
- Pygame
- Tkinter
- Swing
- Applet
- LangChain
- Google Gemini
- Ollama
- Datatables
- Adobe Premiere Pro