- Data
- Web Scraping
- Data Cleaning
- Exploratory Analysis using SQL
- Dashboard Designing ---- IN PROGRESS
- Deployment --- IN PROGRESS
Data Source: The dataset for our ICC Men's 2011 World Cup project was sourced from ESPN Cricinfo, a reputable platform for cricket-related data and statistics.
Data Format: The data was collected and structured into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files, making it accessible and easy to work with for our analysis.
In this section, we'll explain the web scraping process used to gather crucial data related to the ICC Men's 2011 World Cup. We utilized Selenium, a powerful web automation tool, to automate Google Chrome browser interactions and collect comprehensive match details, batting statistics, and bowling statistics.
Tools and Libraries Used:
Selenium: Selenium is a widely-used tool for automating web browsers, making it an ideal choice for dynamic web scraping tasks. Google Chrome: We employed the Google Chrome web browser as the platform for our scraping activities due to its compatibility with Selenium.
Data Collected & Scraping Code can be found below ⬇️⬇️
My Open Source Kaggle Dataset Link
Here I handled missing values, Special Character, or any other data quality issues using MS EXCEL
In this section, I delve into the exploratory analysis of the ICC Men's 2011 World Cup dataset conducted using SQL queries. Our primary objectives were to uncover valuable insights, identify trends, and test hypotheses regarding the tournament.
Link to SQL Analysis Code Part 1
Link to SQL Analysis Code Part 2
🚀 I hope you found our ICC Men's 2011 World Cup analysis project informative and valuable for your data journey.
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