'Mobile web is slow, clunky and [a] frustrating experience' - AMP Home Page
The Magento 1.x shopping cart CMS is one of the slowest systems out there. The only thing store owners can do to make it faster is using Cache and a CDN. Now, thanks to this extension, Magento store owners can integrate Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) into their Magento store. It's very easy and explained on this page: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for Magento
Magento 1.x needs JavaScript to do almost anything on the platform. Because I wanted to get this out fast For that reason when creating this package I decided to put together a barebones example of AMP's for Magento.
AMP HTML is a way to build web pages for static content that render with reliable, fast performance. It is our attempt at fixing what many perceive as painfully slow page load times – especially when reading content on the mobile web.
If you are creating AMP pages, check out the docs on ampproject.org.
- AMP by example
- AMP HTML samples
- AMP-HTML on StackOverflow
- Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for Magento
Google is moving to promote sites that use AMP to the top of the search rankings in a carousel feature. Some believe it already does. Don't leave your customers behind when you could make a stupidly simple change. Most importantly the big guys wont have this yet. Win win. You get more mobile customers and have a bigger revenue in turn.
1. TO DO
I would test this code, but I really do not know how to do that. If someone would like to contribute with tests that would be awesome.
Feel free to use this for your own learning, or business use. Don't sue me if anything goes wrong, because this comes with no warrenty what-so-ever. Just give me some credit if you can.