Multi-tier application (3), responsive, and leverages technologies and languages that are common place in developer communities. It was designed as cloud native first from a Docker perspective (included is the docker compose file) but also includes the Kubernetes YAML file for deploying to a Kubernetes cluster.
- Angular front end with VMware ClarityUI (
- NGINX hosting Angular app and also providing reverse proxy functionality to the App Tier. Reason for this is since Angular is a client side extension, connecting to the app directly causes it to fail since it can't resolve DNS
- Messaging Application leverages Sockets.IO to open a Socket channel between the client and server for rapid updates
- Python Flask based application
- Handles interaction between the Frontend and Database tier, and the Frontend and the websocket interaction
- Scalable to N number of pods
- Postgresql 10 database (named 'posts')
- Precreated table (named 'textData')
- Do not scale this pod; bad things will happen