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"Exploring Merkle airdrops with a system that lets users claim tokens without gas fees. Integrates zkSync for enhanced usability on EVM chains and zkSync network.

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Merkle Airdrop Protocol

This project delves into the concept of Merkle airdrops, developing a system that enables users to claim airdrops without incurring gas fees. It allows protocol owners to distribute tokens seamlessly, covering the gas costs on behalf of the users. The project also integrates zkSync, providing compatibility with both standard EVM chains and the zkSync network, enhancing usability and efficiency.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Git
    You'll know you've set it up correctly if you can run git --version and see a response like git version x.x.x.

  • Foundry
    You'll know it's correctly installed if you can run forge --version and see a response like forge 0.2.0 (816e00b 2023-03-16T00:05:26.396218Z).

To get started, we are assuming you're working with vanilla Foundry and not Foundry-zkSync.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd merkle-airdrop
  2. Install dependencies and build the project:
    make # or forge install && forge build if you don't have make


Pre-deploy: Generate Merkle Proofs

To generate Merkle proofs for an array of addresses to airdrop funds to, follow these steps. If you'd like to work with the default addresses and proofs already created in this repo, skip to Deploy.

  1. Update the array of addresses in GenerateInput.s.sol.
  2. Generate the input file, Merkle root, and proofs:
    • Using make:
      make merkle
    • Or using the commands directly:
      forge script script/GenerateInput.s.sol:GenerateInput && forge script script/MakeMerkle.s.sol:MakeMerkle
  3. Retrieve the root from script/target/output.json and:
    • Paste it in the Makefile as ROOT (for zkSync deployments).
    • Update s_merkleRoot in DeployMerkleAirdrop.s.sol for Ethereum/Anvil deployments.


Deploy to Anvil

  1. Optional: Ensure you're on vanilla Foundry:
  2. Run a local Anvil node:
    make anvil
  3. In a second terminal, deploy the contracts:
    make deploy

Deploy to a zkSync Local Node

zkSync Prerequisites
  • Foundry-zkSync
    Verify it's installed by running:

    forge --version

    and check for a response like forge 0.0.2 (816e00b 2023-03-16T00:05:26.396218Z).

  • npx & npm
    Verify by running:

    npm --version
    npx --version

    and check for responses like npm 7.24.0 and npx 8.1.0.

  • Docker
    Verify Docker is running:

    docker --version
    docker --info
Setup Local zkSync Node
  1. Configure the zkSync node:

    npx zksync-cli dev config
    • Select: "In memory node".
    • Do not select any additional modules.
  2. Start the zkSync node:

    npx zksync-cli dev start

    You should see an output like:

    In memory node started v0.1.0-alpha.22:
     - zkSync Node (L2):
      - Chain ID: 260
      - RPC URL:
      - Rich accounts:
  3. To close the zkSync node in the future, run:

    docker ps
    docker kill ${CONTAINER_ID}
Deploy to a Local zkSync Network
  1. Optional: Ensure you're on Foundry-zkSync:
  2. Deploy:
    make deploy-zk

Deploy to zkSync Sepolia

  1. Set up your environment:
    • Ensure ZKSYNC_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL is set in your .env file.
    • Ensure an account named default is set up for cast.
  2. Deploy:
    make deploy-zk-sepolia

Interacting - zkSync Local Network

The following steps allow the second default Anvil address (0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8) to call claim and pay for the gas on behalf of the first default Anvil address (0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266), which will receive the airdrop.

  1. Setup the zkSync node and deploy contracts:
    chmod +x && ./

Interacting - Local Anvil Network

  1. Setup Anvil and deploy contracts:

    make anvil
    make deploy
  2. Copy the BagelToken and Airdrop contract addresses, and paste them into the AIRDROP_ADDRESS and TOKEN_ADDRESS variables in the Makefile.

  3. Sign your airdrop claim:

    make sign
    • Retrieve the signature bytes from the terminal and add them to Interact.s.sol (remove the 0x prefix).
  4. Claim your airdrop:

    make claim
  5. Check the claim amount:

    make balance


  1. Run the tests:

    forge test
  2. For zkSync:

    make zktest

Test Coverage

To check test coverage:

forge coverage

Estimate Gas

To estimate gas costs:

forge snapshot


To format the code:

forge fmt

Thank You!


"Exploring Merkle airdrops with a system that lets users claim tokens without gas fees. Integrates zkSync for enhanced usability on EVM chains and zkSync network.






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