A fun Zelda themed command line game!
Simply clone this repository, cd into the project, and run the command 'python TextBasedGame.py'
- The evil Ganondorf has taken over Hyrule and it is up to Link, the Hero of Time, to save the kingdom!
- In order to move Link, you must enter the commands: 'go north', 'go south', 'go east', 'go west', in order to navigate the map
- The room you will start in is Hyrule Field
- When you enter a room, you will be shown an item if you have not collected it yet. You can collect this item by typing 'get [item name]'
- In order to view your inventory and current location, type: 'show status'
- In order to win, you must collect all items from every room BEFORE you encounter Ganondorf. If you encounter Gananondorf before collecting all items, you lose!
- There are 6 rooms that you must collect items from before you reach the room, where Ganondorf is located! The starting room and the room with Ganondorf do not have items in them!
- At any point you can show the instructions again by typing 'show instructions'
- Type 'quit' to exit the game
Good luck and have fun!