Lightweight and minimal code. Spend less time overriding styles and focus more time on creating beautiful website applications.
- Overview
- Installation
- Documentation
- Demo
- Modules and Components
- Templates
- Support
- Authors
- Credits
- License
Base itself is a very thin layer which includes Normalize.css and a few mixins to get you started.
You can then include what you need on top of Base such as typography, grids, individual components, etc and make it yours.
If you are creating a new project from scratch, it is highly recommended that you use base starter.
git clone \
new-website && cd new-website && rm -rf .git
npm install && npm start
For existing projects, simply install base using NPM.
npm install --save @getbase/base
Once you have Base installed, you can build on top of it by including your own custom styles or add the ready made modules
@import url("");
/* Import Base */
@import "~@getbase/base/scss/index";
/* Your Other Styles */
@import "main"
/* Import Base */
@import "~@getbase/base/less/index";
/* Your Other Styles */
@import "main"
Base includes the latest version of Normalize.css by default and includes a few Mixins to get you started.
Helper Class | Purpose | Example | Outcome |
.sr |
Apply a class of .sr for screen reader copy |
<div class="sr">Content only visible to screen readers but hidden from the user</div> |
Hide element visually, but have it still available for screenreaders |
Variable | Purpose | Default |
$breakpoint-m |
Breakpoint value for medium devices (tablet) | 768px |
$breakpoint-l |
Breakpoint value for large devices (desktop) | 980px |
$breakpoint-x |
Breakpoint value for extra large devices (HD) | 1200px |
Mixin | Purpose | Example | Outcome |
@include breakpoint(x) |
Apply a breakpoint for a particular device. Accepts values m , l and xl (m: medium, l: large, xl: extra large) |
.box { @include breakpoint(m) { ... } } |
Applies styles to .box for medium devices and up |
@include background-alpha(hex, percentage) |
Applies a background color with opacity | @include background-alpha(#000, 50%) |
Applies a background color of black with opacity set to 50% |
@include animate(time) |
Applies animation speed | @include animate(2s) |
Animation will run for 2 seconds |
Variable | Purpose | Default |
@breakpoint-m |
Breakpoint value for medium devices (tablet) | 768px |
@breakpoint-l |
Breakpoint value for large devices (desktop) | 980px |
@breakpoint-x |
Breakpoint value for extra large devices (HD) | 1200px |
Mixin | Purpose | Example | Outcome |
.background-alpha(hex, percentage) |
Applies a background color with opacity | .background-alpha(#000, 50%) |
Applies a background color of black with opacity set to 50% |
.animate(time) |
Applies animation speed | .animate(2s) |
Animation will run for 2 seconds |
View page example with just Base stylesheet applied.
Base Animations is a very thin layer which includes animations for fading in content.
Base buttons is a very thin layer which includes styles for decorating buttons and links.
Base Containers is a very thin layer which contains styles for containers for all breakpoints.
Base Forms contains styles for inputs, textarea, radios, checkboxes and other form elements.
Base Grid contains styles for flex grids with rows and columns for your layout for all breakpoints.
Base Layout Helpers contains styles for resetting margins, resetting paddings, resetting floats, setting position types and flex helpers for all breakpoints.
Base Layout Spacers contains styles for adding spaced rows (.pad-top-5
, .pad-bottom-20
, etc) and spaced layout (.pad-5
, .pad-20
, etc) for all breakpoints.
Base Micro Grid contains styles for flex grids with rows and basic columns for all breakpoints.
Base Tables is a very thin layer which contains styles for tables for all breakpoints.
Base Typography Helpers contains styles for adjusting font weights, text transformations and aligning copy for all breakpoints.
Base Typography contains styles for headings, copy, blockquotes, codeblocks, lists and all other standard typography.
There are a collection of premium templates built with Base which are available to download on Gumroad.
- IE10+ and all other modern browsers.
- Please specify browsers you need to support in
according to browserslist docs.
- Thanks to Nicolas Gallagher (@necolas) for Normalize.css
Code released under the MIT Open Source license.