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Comet Infrastructure Deployment: Terraform on AWS

Terraform module for deploying infrastructure components to run CometML.



  • Git installed
  • AWS CLI installed
    • Access to an AWS account and credentials that allow you to create resources
    • Ensure AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID environment variables are set in your session
  • Terraform installed

Infrastructure Deployment:

  • Follow the steps below to deploy directly from the GitHub repository.
    • Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone
    • Move into the deployment directory: cd terraform-aws-comet
    • Initialize the directory: terraform init
    • Within terraform.tfvars, set your module toggles to enable the desired infrastructure components and set any related inputs
    • Provision the resources: terraform apply

A note on state management:

  • This configuration stores the Terraform state locally by default. To store the state file remotely in S3, a backend block can be nested within the terraform block inside if applying directly from this configuration, or within your terraform block if calling the module. Below is an example of such a configuration:
terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "mybucket"
    key    = "path/to/my/key"
    region = "us-east-1"
  • More on state management in S3 can be found here


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws ~> 5.1
helm ~> 2.10
kubernetes ~> 2.21


Name Version
aws 5.8.0


Name Source Version
comet_ec2 ./modules/comet_ec2 n/a
comet_ec2_alb ./modules/comet_ec2_alb n/a
comet_eks ./modules/comet_eks n/a
comet_elasticache ./modules/comet_elasticache n/a
comet_rds ./modules/comet_rds n/a
comet_s3 ./modules/comet_s3 n/a
comet_vpc ./modules/comet_vpc n/a


Name Type
aws_eks_cluster_auth.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
availability_zones List of availability zones from region list(string) null no
comet_ec2_ami_type Operating system type for the EC2 instance AMI string "ubuntu22" no
comet_ec2_instance_count Number of EC2 instances to provision number 1 no
comet_ec2_instance_type Instance type for the EC2 instance string "m5.4xlarge" no
comet_ec2_key Name of the SSH key to configure on the EC2 instance string null no
comet_ec2_volume_size Size, in gibibytes (GiB), for the EC2 instance root volume number 1024 no
comet_ec2_volume_type EBS volume type for the EC2 instance root volume string "gp2" no
comet_private_subnets List of private subnets IDs from existing VPC to provision resources in list(string) null no
comet_public_subnets List of public subnets IDs from existing VPC to provision resources in list(string) null no
comet_vpc_id ID of an existing VPC to provision resources in string null no
eks_aws_cloudwatch_metrics Enables AWS Cloudwatch Metrics in the EKS cluster bool true no
eks_aws_load_balancer_controller Enables the AWS Load Balancer Controller in the EKS cluster bool true no
eks_cert_manager Enables cert-manager in the EKS cluster bool false no
eks_cluster_name Name for EKS cluster string "comet-eks" no
eks_cluster_version Kubernetes version of the EKS cluster string "1.27" no
eks_external_dns Enables ExternalDNS in the EKS cluster bool false no
eks_external_dns_r53_zones Route 53 zones for external-dns to have access to list(string)
eks_mng_ami_type AMI family to use for the EKS nodes string "AL2_x86_64" no
eks_mng_desired_size Desired number of nodes in EKS cluster number 3 no
eks_mng_disk_size Size of the storage disks for nodes in EKS cluster number 500 no
eks_mng_max_size Maximum number of nodes in EKS cluster number 6 no
eks_mng_name Name for the EKS managed nodegroup string "mng" no
eks_node_types Node instance types for EKS managed node group list(string)
elasticache_allow_from_sg Security group from which to allow connections to ElastiCache, to use when provisioning with existing compute string null no
elasticache_auth_token Auth token for ElastiCache string null no
elasticache_engine Engine type for ElastiCache cluster string "redis" no
elasticache_engine_version Version number for ElastiCache engine string "7.1.0" no
elasticache_instance_type ElastiCache instance type string "cache.r4.xlarge" no
elasticache_num_cache_nodes Number of nodes in the ElastiCache cluster number 1 no
elasticache_param_group_name Name for the ElastiCache cluster parameter group string "default.redis5.0" no
elasticache_transit_encryption Enable transit encryption for ElastiCache bool false no
enable_ec2 Toggles the comet_ec2 module, to provision EC2 resources for running Comet bool n/a yes
enable_ec2_alb Toggles the comet_ec2_alb module, to provision an ALB in front of the EC2 instance bool n/a yes
enable_eks Toggles the comet_eks module, to provision EKS resources for running Comet bool n/a yes
enable_elasticache Toggles the comet_elasticache module for provisioning Comet Redis on elasticache bool n/a yes
enable_rds Toggles the comet_rds module for provisioning Comet RDS database bool n/a yes
enable_s3 Toggles the comet_s3 module for provisioning Comet S3 bucket bool n/a yes
enable_vpc Toggles the comet_vpc module, to provision a new VPC for hosting the Comet resources bool n/a yes
environment Deployment environment, i.e. dev/stage/prod, etc string "dev" no
rds_allow_from_sg Security group from which to allow connections to RDS, to use when provisioning with existing compute string null no
rds_backup_retention_period Days specified for RDS snapshotretention period number 7 no
rds_database_name Name for the application database in RDS string "logger" no
rds_engine Engine type for RDS database string "aurora-mysql" no
rds_engine_version Engine version number for RDS database string "5.7" no
rds_iam_db_auth Enables IAM auth for the database in RDS bool true no
rds_instance_count Number of RDS instances in the database cluster number 2 no
rds_instance_type Instance type for RDS database string "db.r5.xlarge" no
rds_preferred_backup_window Backup window for RDS string "07:00-09:00" no
rds_root_password Root password for RDS database string n/a yes
rds_storage_encrypted Enables encryption for RDS storage bool true no
region AWS region to provision resources in string n/a yes
s3_bucket_name Name for S3 bucket string n/a yes
single_nat_gateway Controls whether single NAT gateway used for all public subnets bool true no
ssl_certificate_arn ARN of the ACM certificate to use for the ALB string null no


Name Description
comet_alb_dns_name DNS name of the ALB fronting the Comet EC2 instance
comet_ec2_instance ID of the Comet EC2 instance
comet_ec2_public_ip EIP associated with the Comet EC2 instance
configure_kubectl Configure kubectl: run the following command to update your kubeconfig with the newly provisioned cluster.
mysql_host Endpoint for the RDS instance
region Region resources are provisioned in