A brief description of what this project does and who it's for
- User Authentication and Registration
- MailTrap for sending emails to confirm the account once created
- Forgot password feature added to recover through MailTrap
- Usage of custom hooks for Authentication and centralization of project operations(CRUD) through Context API
- Completely responsive
- Styling made with TailwindCSS and components from DaisyUI and HeadlessUI libraries
- Search functionality
- Icons from Heroicons
- Frontend deployment made with Vercel
- Backend made with Nodejs and Express
- Mongoose as ORM
- MongoDB as Database
- MVC architecture
- Socket.io implemented real-time updates when updating, deleting, or creating new tasks for any project previously created inside the app
- Add Cypress package for e2e testing in the frontend
Client: React, ContextAPI, Custom hooks, TailwindCSS, HeadlessUI, DaisyUI, Heroicons
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB, JWT, Socket.io
- Mobile view
- Tablet view
- Desktop view