Transport Union explores distributed backend applications that are governed by collective decision making, seeking innovations by combining functionalities of various decentralized protocols.
This is a proof of concept demo to show:
- decentralized access to ComposeDB resource providers,
- authentication with DID-session
Fluence is an open, permisisonless peer-to-peer compute protocol facilitating decentralized serverless compute such as FaaS. Fluence provides Aqua, an open-source, peer-to-peer Web3-native choreography and composition language to create distributed workflows, similar to AWS Stepfunctions. Moreover, Aqua can be used to program the network and easily integrate with peers' sidecars. That is, Fluence peers can operate or pair with nodes from other protocols, such as IPFS, Ethereum or Ceramic, and developers can than use Aqua, in conjunction with distributed, FaaS connectors, to create seamless, Web3-native integration across protocols and networks. Hence, the Fluence protocol allows developers to deploy dApps to decentralized serverless as opposed to, say, the browser.
ComposeDB is a decentralised database build on top of Ceramic/IPFS with a graphql interface. Normally, dApps have their own ComposeDB instance running on a server with a single endpoint.
Fluence network provides two main functionalities, namely 1/ a decentralised marketplace for peers offering services, and 2/ microservices exposing a command line interface for a node of a different protocol. Combining the two we can create a marketplace for access to various protocols and their functionalities.
This branch contains an alternative command line interface for ComposeDB tailored to work with Fluence services. I have used the default frontend libraries made by the Composedb team.
ComposeDB terminology: A data structure is represented as a composite which is made up from (re-usable) models. This composite has 1/a composite-definition used to create necessary elements on the ceramic network, and 2/ a runtime definition used to index the data for the composite. Indexing the data means that the ComposeDB instance will store data related to the composite in a local sql database that can be queried with graphQL.
The initialization of the marine service involves 1/ command to the custom ComposeDB cli to start indexing the data for data 2/ the creation of an object with contractorDetails 3/ storing that object on the Fluence peer's local IPFS node, 4/ returining the cid, and then registering the service on the network with the cid included in the value property
participant Aqua
participant Marine
participant IPFS
participant /usr/bin/tu-cdb
Aqua->>Marine: Init(namespace,n,_indexes,pk)
Marine->>/usr/bin/tu-cdb: index(_index,pk)
Marine->>Marine: creates contractorDetails
Marine->>IPFS: Store contractorDetails
IPFS->>Aqua: cid
Aqua->>Aqua: register_resource(peerId,serviceId,cid)
Diagram below
string resourceId
string peer_id
string service_id
cid value "cid for ipfs dag with contractorDetails "
object directions
array indexes
object public_info
string name
base64 composite_definition
base64 runtime_definition
string namespace "cdb"
int n "count for instances"
string ceramic_port
participant Metamask
participant Frontend
participant Aqua
participant Marine
participant IPFS
participant /usr/bin/tu-cdb
Frontend ->> Aqua: findContractors()
Aqua ->> Aqua: getRecords()
Aqua ->> Frontend: []contractors
Frontend ->> Marine: forEach: getContractorDetails(cid)
Marine ->> IPFS: dag get cid
IPFS ->> Marine: contractorDetails
Marine ->> Frontend: contractorDetails
Frontend ->> Frontend: selectContractor()
Frontend ->> Aqua: renewProfileList()
Aqua ->> Marine: cdbQuery(cid, runtime_def,query)
Marine ->> /usr/bin/tu-cdb: query(runtime_def,query)
/usr/bin/tu-cdb ->> Frontend: content
Frontend ->> Frontend: hasValidSession()
Frontend ->> Metamask: if session is unsigned
Metamask ->> Frontend: signature
Frontend ->> Aqua: update()
Aqua ->> Marine: cdbMutate(cid, runtime_def,query,session)
Marine ->> /usr/bin/tu-cdb: mutate(runtime_def,query,session)
/usr/bin/tu-cdb ->> Frontend: result
Frontend ->> Aqua: renewProfileList()
Aqua ->> Marine: cdbQuery(cid, runtime_def,query)
Marine ->> /usr/bin/tu-cdb: query(runtime_def,query)
/usr/bin/tu-cdb ->> Frontend: content
nvm use 16
npm -g i @fluencelabs/[email protected] @fluencelabs/[email protected] @fluencelabs/[email protected]
npm -g i [email protected]
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml up -d
1/ sh scripts/dev/
2/ sh scripts/dev/
3/ copy returned service_id into scripts/.env file
4/ sh scripts/dev/
cd frontend/
npm i
npm run serve
cd frontend
npm run compile-aqua