An Atom plugin for simple text expansions.
Setting And Activating Clip Expansions
- Select a word or set of words in an editor pane and activate the Set Clip command.
- Select a second word or set of words in an editor pane and activate the Set Expansion command.
- Select an instance of the original 'clip' wordset and activate the Expand command, this will replace the 'clip' selection with the 'expansion' selection.
Set Clip
Saves current selection as a clip which can be assigned an expansion.
Set Expansion
Assigns current selection as an expansion for the current clip.
Once the clip / expansion have been set, the current clip will be reset.
If no clip is has been set this command will not make an effect on saved clips / expansions.
Attempts expansion on current selection. If no selection is present, it will attempt to expand the word under the primary cursor.
Show Expansions
Under construction
Displays available clip / expansion combinations.