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  • All scripts are run from the root directory, (ie, ./scripts/database migrate up.)

  • Please be very cautious about signing up using the assorted requests.http files. The ones that invoke email actions (reseting password, updating email, creating account, etc.) are live. So, only try them using addresses you actually own.


Initial project setup

Download the file IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB5.IPV6.BIN externally:

Then put it here, like so ~/assets/IP2LOCATION/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB5.IPV6.BIN

Add required env variables to GitHub Secrets Manager for tests to pass:

Repo > Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions > New repository secret

Generate example .env file:

cat env-example > .env

Add the app check token:

Open the .env file and follow the link to create the APPCHECK_TOKEN env variable.

Ensure you have the correct 16-byte MASK_SECRET in the .env file.

An example is provided in the env-example, but obviously generate your own for prod.

Add your AWS data to the .env file.

Specifically what IAM roles are needed will be determined in the future. Currently, a general admin user suffices.

This includes your: access key, secret access key, and region.

Add the Firebase API key:

This can be obtained via: Online Firebase console > confesi-server-dev > Project settings > Scroll down till you see "your apps" > Confesi web app. The key should be listed under the apiKey field. Add it as FB_API_KEY in the .env file.

Add the firebase-secrets.json file to the root of the project:

This can be obtained via: Online Firebase console > confesi-server-dev > Project settings > Service accounts > Generate new private key. Ensure this file is not checked into version control.

Install Node Modules for Cloud Functions:

cd functions ; npm i ; cd ..

Install firebase-tools:

sudo npm install -g firebase-tools

Install the Redis UI to view the cache in real time:

sudo npm install -g redis-commander

Install swag for API doc website:

go install

If you encounter problems with installation, check out the official installation docs here or this helpful Stack Overflow question for troubleshooting.

Running the project

For both steps below, ensure the Docker daemon is running.

Run/build the Docker container (first time running the project):

docker compose up --build app

Run the Docker container (after you've built it the first time):

docker-compose up


Replaces all instances of bearer tokens in requests.http files with a new token. Useful for testing API routes since Firebase's tokens refresh every hour.

./scripts/requests <my_new_token>

Get an access token for a user:

./scripts/token <email> <password>

Fetch new token for user and update it for all requests.http files at once:

./scripts/token <email> <password> | ./scripts/requests


# accessing postgres
docker exec -it confesi-db psql -U postgres confesi
# OR
./scripts/database psql

# new migrations
./scripts/database migrate new "<version-name>"

# deploy migration
./scripts/database migrate up "<step>" # arg $step can be omitted to deploy just the next one

# deploy rollback
./scripts/database migrate down "<step>" # arg $step can be omitted to rollback just the prev one

# fix version
./scripts/database migrate fix "<version-number>" # omit leading 0's

# generate a new `confesi.dbml`
./scripts/database dbml

# seed data (use the POSTGRES_DSN found in `/scripts/test` not `.env`)
export POSTGRES_DSN="" # TODO: make a new bash env scripts that exports all of this
export MASK_SECRET="" # taken from .env
go run ./scripts/main.go --seed-schools

Redis cache

Start the web UI:


... this should open the viewer, usually at (address specified after running the command).

Testing Firebase functionality locally

Start the emulator suite:

firebase emulators:start

... this should open the Emulator Suite UI, usually at (address specified after running command).

Test runner

Run all tests:

./scripts/test ./...

Running tests to a specific package:

./scripts/test <./path/to/package>

... for example, to run tests on the cipher package:

./scripts/test ./lib/cipher


Viewing the docs:

Start the API server via Docker, then open http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html in a browser. The docs are automatically built every time the API server starts or hot reloads.

Editing the docs:

Here is a good resource to learn how to properly annotate handler functions so they appear in the Swagger UI. Here is another good resource to help with speedy struct-to-JSON conversions.

Rebuilding the docs:

Once the docs have been edited, run:

swag init

... this should rebuild the doc files under /docs to reflect the changes.

Formatting the docs:

You can also run to format the Swagger "code".

swag fmt