A Truffle box that explores the various ways in which you can extend Truffle's functionality through exec scripts, plugins, etc.
Warning - Copious emojis have been used in the preparation of this box
Simple example...
> truffle develop
truffle(develop)> exec scripts/example.js
Interacting with an existing chain...
> truffle develop
truffle(develop)> exec scripts/bento.js
Single command...
> cd plugin
> npm link
> cd ..
> npm link /path/to/project/plugin
> truffle run boooom
Note that
npm link
-ing is useful while developing the plugin as any changes are immediately reflected
Command with parameters...
> truffle run boooom liftoff
> truffle run boooom landing
> truffle run boooom landing https://moon.io
A more complete example of a plugin is available here.
To package a repository you'll need the following...
As you may have spotted, this is repository is actually already a box meaning you could install it via the following:
> truffle unbox kevinbluer/bento
Boxes can be include plugins pre-installed. For example, this plugin is added as a dependency, meaning you can use it immediately (although you'll need to add your Pinata details first).
> truffle run caramel list
Another example of an means of extending Truffle's functionality is the OpenZeppelin Upgrades plugin. This is different to the Truffle Plugins system mention above in that's more of a framework and pattern for both deploying and managing upgradable contracts.
Try it yourself...
> truffle develop
truffle(develop)> compile --all
truffle(develop)> migrate --to 3
truffle(develop)> i = await BentoBase.deployed()
truffle(develop)> i.getValue()
truffle(develop)> i.setValue(888) // 🚫
truffle(develop)> migrate --f 4
truffle(develop)> i = await BentoUpgrade.deployed()
truffle(develop)> i.setValue(888)
is your friend :)