University of Florida
- Malahide, Dublin
- constantin-george.github.io
- @constantinglen
Starred repositories
Companion R package to the book Applied Statistical Modeling for Ecologists, by Kéry and Kellner
R package for modeling animal movement with continuous-time correlated random walk models
R2 for correlated data; see https://academic.oup.com/sysbio/advance-article/doi/10.1093/sysbio/syy060/5098616
Teaching materials for Methods in Macroecology & Macroevolution Masters course
lukejharmon / pcm
Forked from poole/lanyonA textbook for phylogenetic comparative methods.
Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics
Code associated with textbook "Spatio-Temporal Models for Ecologists"
Maximum likelihood analysis Of animal MovemENT behavior Using multivariate Hidden Markov Models
R package to accompany the text A Computational Approach to Statistical Learning
Method used in the study on germline mutation rate estimation in 68 species of vertebrates.
miscellaneous materials for mixed models, mostly in R
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. nlme — Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models. Homepage: https://svn.r-project.org/R-packages/trunk/nlme/ Report bugs for this pack…
Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis for capture-mark-recapture and census data.
Kentaro Matsuura (2023). Bayesian Statistical Modeling with Stan, R, and Python. Springer, Singapore.
Example of how to use the USC HPC to run R/JAGS in parallel
Bayesian model configuration, selection and averaging in complex regression contexts
Univariate and Multivariate Spatial Modeling of Species Abundance
Repo for small test-programs to test out and check new features