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mmcore is a modern CAD engine written in Python with performance-critical parts implemented in Cython. The main goal is to make advanced CAD capabilities as accessible and easy to use as popular scientific computing libraries.

The library provides a comprehensive set of geometric modeling tools, numerical algorithms, and optimization methods specifically designed for CAD applications. It features efficient implementations of NURBS geometry, surface analysis, intersection algorithms, and more.

Note: mmcore is under active development and does not currently guarantee backwards compatibility. The API may change significantly between versions.

Key Features

  • Geometric Modeling

    • Complete NURBS curves and surfaces implementation
    • Advanced surface analysis with fundamental forms
    • Comprehensive intersection algorithms
    • Implicit geometry support with boolean operations
    • Primitive shapes and surface analysis tools
  • Numerical Methods

    • General purpose optimization algorithms (Newton method, divide-and-conquer)
    • Robust numerical integration (RK45 and alternatives)
    • Interval arithmetic support
    • Advanced intersection algorithms for curves and surfaces
    • CAD-specific computational geometry algorithms
  • Performance Optimization

    • Critical algorithms implemented in C/C++/Cython
    • Fastest NURBS implementation in python.
    • BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) for efficient spatial queries
    • Vectorized operations outperforming numpy for 2D-4D cases


Using pip (Python 3.9+)

python3 -m pip install --user --force-reinstall git+

PyPy Support

pypy3 -m pip install --user --force-reinstall git+


docker pull

Project Structure

Core Modules

  • mmcore.geom: Geometric primitives and operations

    • nurbs.pyx/pxd: NURBS curves and surfaces implementation
    • implicit: Implicit geometry with boolean operations
    • bvh: Spatial acceleration structures
  • mmcore.numeric: Algorithms and computations

    • algorithms: Optimization and fundamental CAD algorithms
    • integrate: Numerical integration (RK45 and others)
    • interval: Interval arithmetic implementation
    • intersections: Comprehensive intersection algorithms (curve x curve, curve x surface, surface x surface)
    • vectors: High-performance vector operations
  • Construction operations

    • ruled: Implements a fabric function to construct Ruled NURBSSurface from a two NURBSCurve.

Additional Components

  • mmcore.api: High-level interface for common operations (WIP)
  • mmcore.renderer: Visualization capabilities (WIP)
  • mmcore.topo: Topological operations and mesh handling (WIP)

Getting Started

  1. Start with short introduction in the Implementation Examples

  2. Check the basic examples in examples/:

    • Surface analysis and optimization
    • primitives/: Basic geometric shape creation
    • ssx/: Surface-surface intersection examples
    • Working with implicit geometry
  3. Check the short introduction in the Implementation Examples:

Implementation Examples

1. Parametric Representations

We recommend using NURBS as parametric representations, Although procedural parametric representations are also supported for many operations, due to their properties NURBS representations can be used in algorithms requiring strict robustness.

from mmcore.geom.nurbs import NURBSCurve,NURBSSurface

2.Geometry Construction

This creates a simple NURBS curve of degree 3 on 10 control points:

import numpy as np
from mmcore.geom.nurbs import NURBSCurve
curve = NURBSCurve(np.random.random((10,3))) # This 
from mmcore.geom.nurbs import NURBSCurve
from import ruled
# Create forming curves
# Create a ruled surface
surface = ruled(curve1,curve2)

3. Basic CAD Algorithms

Closest Point Example

This example demonstrates such a base operation as closest point on surface

import numpy as np
from mmcore.numeric.closest_point import closest_point_on_surface_batched
# Surface construction

# Create a random 3d points
points = np.random.random((100,3))

# Find closest points on surface:
closest_points = closest_point_on_surface_batched(surface, points)

You can find a detailed algorithm explanation here

4. Advance CAD Algorithms

Algorithms for finding all intersections are fundamental in CAD. In mmcore there are robust implementations for parametric NURBS objects:

  • CCX (Curve Curve Intersection)
  • CSX (Curve Surface Intersection)
  • SSX (Surface Surface Intersection)

Also in experimental mode there are implementations for implicit and procedural objects. However, at the moment it is not guaranteed to find all intersections in the general case (we are working on it).

SSX Example

from mmcore.numeric.intersection.ssx import ssx
# Surfaces construction

# Perform Surface and Surface Intersection
result = ssx(surface1,surface2,tol=0.001)

You can find full examples at examples/ssx/ and examples/ssx/ To display the output of the algorithm install the viewer plugin with:

git clone[email protected]
cd mmcore
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ".[renderer]"


git clone[email protected]
cd mmcore
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ".[all]"

5. Implicit Representation

Implicit representations are less common in commercial frame systems, but like parametric representations have long been well developed in computer graphics. General implicits are implemented in mmcore. It means that the algorithms are suitable for working with any implicits and not only with such widespread implicit forms as SDF.

To create your own implicit object class, all you need to do is inherit from one of the base classes and override the implicit(self,point) and bounds(self) methods:

from mmcore.geom.implicit import Implicit2D

class Circle(Implicit2D):
    def __init__(self, center, radius):
        super().__init__() = center
        self.radius = radius
    def bounds(self):
        return, # min point , max point
    def implicit(self, xy:'ndarray[float, (2,)] | ndarray[float, (3,)]'):
        x, y = xy
        return (x -[0])**2 + (y -[1])**2 - self.radius**2 # circle implicit equation

When these methods are implemented, all other methods will be generated automatically.

An example of applying the standard algorithm for finding the intersection curve between two implicits to an implicit cylinder and a custom implicit based on a point cloud:

6. CAD Algorithms for Implicits

Closest point, intersections, and others algorithms are also available for implicits in both 2d and 3d cases. Intersection algorithms in 3D are particularly interesting because they show good accuracy and performance, in some cases surpassing commercial packages.

Performance Benchmarks:

Comparison with Rhino 8 for intersection curves computation between solid tubes:

Task Size CPU Cores Rhino 8 (sec.) mmcore (sec.) Speed Ratio
1 1 0.027 0.033 0.82x
100 1 2.685 1.571 1.71x
100 10 0.938 0.275 3.41x
1000 10 13.4 2.313 5.79x

In mmcore we use implicit representations, in Rhino tubes are represented by BReps.

Results show mmcore excels particularly in parallel processing and batch operations.

Figure: Visualization of tube intersection test case

At the same time, I would like to remind you that these algorithms are currently not guaranteed in the general case and are under active development.

You can find the full code for this example here examples/ssx/


Core Requirements

  • Python >= 3.9
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • earcut
  • pyquaternion
  • more-itertools
  • steputils

Optional Components

  • Development: Cython
  • Visualization: plotly, kaleido, pyopengl, pyrr, glfw
  • Interactive: IPython

Known Deprecations

  1. Use mmcore.numeric.vectors instead of mmcore.geom.vec for vector operations
  2. Prefer NURBSCurve over NURBSSpline for better algorithms and serialization
  3. For curve-surface intersection, use mmcore/numeric/intersections/csx/
  4. Surface-surface intersection (SSX) implementation is currently reliable only for NURBS surfaces


Contributions are welcome! Please note:

  1. The project is under active development
  2. Breaking changes may occur between versions
  3. Test all changes thoroughly before submitting
  4. Follow the existing code style and documentation patterns


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE for details.