Data Scientist | AI Practitioner | Economist with a Passion for Solving Real-World Problems
Welcome to my GitHub! I’m a data scientist, economist and AI practitioner with expertise across diverse domains, including health economics, economics of education, financial portfolio optimization, and econometrics. Statistics, math and science are my passions; I create data-driven solutions through statistical modeling and artificial intelligence techniques, by programming algorithms in Python or R. I convert raw data into clear messages to guide action takers.
I enjoy blending advanced analytics with cutting-edge AI to deliver impactful solutions.
📈 What I Do:
💻 Solve real-world-business problems using LLM 🎓 Providing educational resources and mentorship for the next generation of data scientists
- Core Skills: Data analysis, predictive modeling, natural language processing, optimization
- Programming: Python, R, SQL, Stata
- Libraries & Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-learn, LangChain
- Visualization: Matplotlib, ggplot2, Plotly, Dash
- Specialization in AI: LLMs, chatbot development, and generative AI solutions
📊 My Github Stats
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Feel free to explore my repositories, and let’s collaborate on impactful projects!