Included library implements an interface enabling C++ multithreading in FreeRTOS. That is:
- Creating threads - std::thread,
- Locking - std::mutex, std::condition_variable, etc.
- Time - std::chrono, std::sleep_for, etc.
- Futures - std::assync, std::promise, std::future, etc.
- std::notify_all_at_thread_exit
I have not tested all the features. I know that thread_local
does not work.
It will compile but will not create thread unique storage.
This implementation is for GNU C Compiler (GCC) only. Tested with:
- GCC 7.2 and 8.2 for ARM 32bit (cmake generates Eclipse project)
- FreeRTOS 10.1.1
- Windows 10
- NXP MCUXpresso v10.3.0 (ARM CM4 & CM7)
Although I have not tried any platforms other than ARM, I believe it should work. The dependency is on FreeRTOS only. If FreeRTOS runs on your target then I believe this library will too.
This library is not intended to be accessed directly from your application.
It is an interface between C++ and FreeRTOS. Your application should use the
STL directly. STL will use the provided library under the hood. Saying that,
none of the files should be included in your application's source files -
except one (freertos_time.h
to set system time).
Attached is an example cmake project. The target is for NXP K64F Cortex M4 microcontroller. It can be built from the command line:
cmake ../FreeRTOS_cpp11 -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -Dk64frdmevk=1
cmake --build .
The C++11 standard introduced unified multithreading interface. The standard defines the interface only. It is up to the compiler vendors how to implement it. Multithreading requires a tasks sheduler running at low level which implicates an operating system is present. Both, scheduler and OS are beyond of the C++ standard definition. Obviously, it is natural that the implementations from compiler vendors would cover most popular OS's only, like Windows or Linux.
What about embedded world, microcontrollers and limited resources systems? Well... there is so many embedded OS's that it is certainly impossible to provide implementation for all of them. Should OS vendor provide an implementation for different compilers? Maybe. Unfortumately, C++ is not popular in embedded world. Vendors focus on plain C. It is expected that when C++ compiler is used, code will compile too. Nothing more is needed to deliver. With the multithreading library is different. There is an additional layer needed to interface OS with C++.
FreeRTOS is a small real time operarting system. The core library is more like a task scheduler with few tools to synchronize access to resources. It has few extension libraries, like TCP/IP stack and a file system. This OS is very popular in embedded world of small microcontrollers. It is for free and delivered as a source code. Strong points of this small RTOS are good performance, small footprint and simple API. Although it is implemented in C, there are many programmers that create their own API wrappers in C++.
C++ language is not popular in embedded world. I believe it is a mistake. C++ has got everything what standard C has, plus many nice features that make the code easier to express algorithm, is safer and fast. Working with FreeRTOS is about managing resources. Mainly creating and releasing handles, passing correct types as arguments, etc. I found that often, instead of focusing on an algorithm, I am checking for memory leaks or incorrect data types. Having code wrapped in C++ classes brings the development to a different level.
Multithreading interface in C++ is very clean and simple to use. On the negative side it is little bit heavy under the hood. It might not be the best if an embedded application has to create and destroy new tasks often or control stack size and priorities. C++ interface does not provide this features. However, if it is about starting a worker thread now and then or implementing a dispatch queue that is snoozing somewhere in the system waiting for tasks to be processed, this interface will do the job. Finally, not every embedded application is a hard real time application.
So, how to make FreeRTOS working with the C++ multithreading interface?
Building a project is not much different than the regular way the project for ARM is built. It is not needed to understand how the library is implemented to use it. The source code must not be accessed directly from the application. It is called by GCC implementation itself. That is, user application uses components from std namespace only.
As usual, FreeRTOS source and a startup code for a processor will be needed.
The following definitions should also be placed in FreeRTOSConfig.h
#define pdMS_TO_TICKS( xTimeInMs ) \
( ( TickType_t ) ( ( ( TickType_t ) ( xTimeInMs ) * \
( TickType_t ) configTICK_RATE_HZ ) / ( TickType_t ) 1000 ) )
#ifndef pdTICKS_TO_MS
#define pdTICKS_TO_MS(ticks) \
((((long long)(ticks)) * (configTICK_RATE_HZ)) / 1000)
The definitions are also included in the freertos-cxx11-macros.h
file. It
can be automatically included by passing its path as an argument to the
-include option of the compiler:
-include /path/to/cpp11_gcc/freertos-cxx11-macros.h
This gets rid of the need to modify FreeRTOSConfig.h
And then the following files need to be included in the project:
condition_variable.cpp --> Definitions required by std::condition_variable
condition_variable.h --> Helper class to implement std::condition_variable
critical_section.h --> Helper class wrap FreeRTOS citical section
(it is for the internal use only)
freertos_time.cpp --> Setting and reading system wall/clock time
freertos_time.h --> Declaration
thread_gthread.h --> Helper class to integrate FreeRTOS with std::thread
thread.cpp --> Definitions required by std::thread class
gthr_key.cpp --> Definition required by futures
gthr_key.h --> Declarations
gthr_key_type.h --> Helper class for local thread storage
bits/gthr-default.h --> FreeRTOS GCC Hook (thread and mutex, see below) --> Taken as is from GCC code --> Taken as is from GCC code
Simple example application can be like that:
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <chrono>
int main()
std::queue<int> q;
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::thread processor{[&]() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{m};
while (1)
cv.wait(lock, [&q] { return q.size() > 0; });
int i = q.front();
if (i == 0)
for (int i = 100; i >= 0; i--)
However, this program will not build yet!
The problem is that GCC cannot see functions that implement the threading interface using FreeRTOS.
The interesting file is the gthr.h
located in a GCC instalation directory.
This is what I have got in my ARM distribution:
Each file is the same. Different directories are related to different ARM cores. For example, CortexM4 should be linked with v7e-m+xx, xx - depending on floating point configuration. The file itself has lots of code commented out. This is an instruction for implementers. It tells which functions must be implemented to provide multithreading in a system.
The end of the file looks like this:
#include <bits/gthr-default.h>
#pragma GCC visibility pop
The file includes a default implementation from gthr-default.h
. What would be
a default implementation for a system without a system? Yes, empty functions.
So, how to replace the default implementation with the one from the library?
You just need to add the provided bits/ directory to the set of directories in which the compiler find the files to include:
must be defined during the application
project build. Otherwise, the default header will be included. Might be handy
when the multithread features of C++ are not required.
Now, project should build.
Implementation of mutex is probably the simplest one because FreeRTOS API
contains all the functions that almost directly translate to the GCC interface.
Full implementation is in gthr-FreeRTOS.h
. Here is just a sample:
typedef xSemaphoreHandle __gthread_mutex_t;
static inline void __GTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT_FUNCTION(__gthread_mutex_t *mutex){
*mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); }
static inline int __gthread_mutex_destroy(__gthread_mutex_t *mutex){
vSemaphoreDelete(*mutex); return 0; }
static inline int __gthread_mutex_lock(__gthread_mutex_t *mutex){
return (xSemaphoreTake(*mutex, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) ? 0 : 1; }
static inline int __gthread_mutex_unlock(__gthread_mutex_t *mutex){
return (xSemaphoreGive(*mutex) == pdTRUE) ? 0 : 1; }
Once these functions are defined it is possible to use all different variants of mutex from the std namespace (e.g. unique_mutex, lock_guard, etc.). Except timed_mutex. This one requires access to system time which will be described later in this article.
It is little bit tricky to implement a condition variable with FreeRTOS
to match the std
interface. First of all it is good to understand what a
condition variable is and how it is (or should be) implemented in a system.
Good article is
Without going into much detail, implementation is a collection of threads waiting for a condition that would let them to exit that waiting state. It is a form of an event - a thread is waiting for an event, a module sends a notification and the thread wakes up. The interface provides a function to notify just one thread or all of them.
FreeRTOS has few different ways of suspending and resuming a task (thread).
The Event Groups
looks promissing. It maintains a list of waiting threads
and wakes them all when an event has been notified. However, this interface
seems does not provide a way to wake up a single task. Another one
is Direct To Task Notifications
. This one, on the other hand, requires an
implementation handling a list of threads. This method is less efficient but
at least is possible to meet the std::condition_variable
Have a closer look at the std::condition_variable
The implementation is in condition_variable
header. The snippet below
is not a full class. Just an interesting part of it:
/// condition_variable
class condition_variable
typedef __gthread_cond_t __native_type;
__native_type _M_cond;
condition_variable() noexcept;
~condition_variable() noexcept;
notify_one() noexcept;
notify_all() noexcept;
wait(unique_lock<mutex>& __lock) noexcept;
template<typename _Predicate>
wait(unique_lock<mutex>& __lock, _Predicate __p)
while (!__p())
Class has a single member variable _M_cond
, which is a handle to a native OS
interface - FreeRTOS interface in this case. There are also few member functions
that have to be implemented by an external library.
That is a back door to provide operations on the native handle. The wait
a predicate is implemented. Just shown here because it will be needed later to explain
one detail.
Two things are needed. A queue of waiting tasks and a semaphore to synchronise
the access to that queue. Both have to be stored in a single handle inside of
the condition_variable
The single handle is implemented as free_rtos_std::cv_task_list
class in the
file of this library. It is a wrapper to std::list
and a FreeRTOS semaphore (the semaphore
class is in the same file).
class cv_task_list
using __gthread_t = free_rtos_std::gthr_freertos;
using thrd_type = __gthread_t::native_task_type;
using queue_type = std::list<thrd_type>;
cv_task_list() = default;
void remove(thrd_type thrd) { _que.remove(thrd); }
void push(thrd_type thrd) { _que.push_back(thrd); }
void pop() { _que.pop_front(); }
bool empty() const { return _que.empty(); }
_que = queue_type{};
// no copy and no move
cv_task_list &operator=(const cv_task_list &r) = delete;
cv_task_list &operator=(cv_task_list &&r) = delete;
cv_task_list(cv_task_list &&) = delete;
cv_task_list(const cv_task_list &) = delete;
thrd_type &front() { return _que.front(); }
const thrd_type &front() const { return _que.front(); }
thrd_type &back() { return _que.back(); }
const thrd_type &back() const { return _que.back(); }
void lock() { _sem.lock(); }
void unlock() { _sem.unlock(); }
queue_type _que;
semaphore _sem;
Once this class is defined the native handler needs to be defined too.
It is done in gthr-FreeRTOS.h
, together with mutexes.
typedef free_rtos_std::cv_task_list __gthread_cond_t;
Now, class std::condition_variable
can see the cv_task_list
class as a native
handler. Great! Time for the missing functions.
The implementation is in condition_variable.cpp
file. The functions are:
- constructor
- destructor
- notify_all
- notify_one
- and wait
Constructor has nothing to do so, keep a default implementation. Destructor will throw a system error if there are waiting threads. The cppreference website says that it is not safe to call a destructor in a such case. For that reason the condition is tested.
namespace std{
condition_variable::condition_variable() = default;
{ // It is only safe to invoke the destructor if all threads have been notified.
if (!_M_cond.empty())
std::__throw_system_error(117); // POSIX error: structure needs cleaning
The wait
function is the one which keeps the secret of a condition variable
(snippet below). It saves a handle of the current thread to the queue while the
both mutexes are taken! The first one is taken outside the wait
call and
is protecting the condition (have a look at implementation of
with a predicate). This is important - this is a
contract that guarantees that only one thread is checking the condition at one
time. The second mutex protects the threads' queue. It makes sure that
a different thread that calls notify_one/all does not modify the queue at the
same time.
Once the thread's handle has been pushed to the queue, the thread is ready to
suspend. Suspend might block the execution so, the two mutexes must be unlocked
and give a chance for other threads to execute.
The ulTaskNotifyTake
is a FreeRTOS function that will switch a task to a
waiting state until the xTaskNotifyGive
function is called.
It is worth making a comment that when the second unlock returns,
context can be switched. It is possible that a different thread calls
notify_one/all in that time. In that case the task that has been pushed to the
queue will be removed from that queue before even starting being suspended.
This is correct behaviour. Accordingly to FreeRTOS documentation a call to
will not suspend the task in that case.
Regardles whether the task got suspended or not, when ulTaskNotifyTake
it means that the xTaskNotifyGive
has been called at least once. That means
the condition must be tested again and that means the mutex protecting
the condition must be taken again. However, it could be that some other thread
got access to the condition in the meantime. So, the immediate lock can lock
the thread again.
The remaining two functions notify_all
and notify_one
are almost the same.
Both lock the access to the queue, remove a task from the queue and wake that
task. Difference is that notify_one
wakes only one task and the notify_all
wakes all of them in a loop.
namespace std{
void condition_variable::wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &m)
{ // pre-condition: m is taken!!
ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);
void condition_variable::notify_one()
if (!_M_cond.empty())
auto t = _M_cond.front();
void condition_variable::notify_all()
while (!_M_cond.empty())
auto t = _M_cond.front();
} // namespace std
C++11 standard defines threading interface as in a snippet bellow. Important
part to notice is that id
is defined as part of the thread
namespace std {
class thread;
namespace this_thread {
thread::id get_id() noexcept;
void yield() noexcept;
template <class Clock, class Duration>
void sleep_until(const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);
template <class Rep, class Period>
void sleep_for(const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);
Now, have a look at <thread>
header file in your GCC. The file is quiet long
so, the snippet has only important parts.
class thread
// Abstract base class for types that wrap arbitrary functors to be
// invoked in the new thread of execution.
struct _State
virtual ~_State();
virtual void _M_run() = 0;
using _State_ptr = unique_ptr<_State>;
typedef __gthread_t native_handle_type;
/// thread::id
class id
native_handle_type _M_thread;
// Returns a value that hints at the number of hardware thread contexts.
static unsigned int
hardware_concurrency() noexcept;
id _M_id;
_M_start_thread(_State_ptr, void (*)());
The _State
class is used for passing a user
thread function. The native_handle_type
is an underlying thread data holder
type. The code in my library must define exactly this type to hook to the GCC
implementation. Easy to notice, this is the same approach as in the condition
variable interface. The id
is the place where the thread's handle is kept
). And at last few functions of which definitions are missing:
Implementation is in thread.cpp
. There is nothing special to do for the first
two so:
namespace std{
thread::_State::~_State() = default;
// Returns the number of concurrent threads supported by the implementation.
// The value should be considered only a hint.
// Return value
// Number of concurrent threads supported. If the value is not well defined
// or not computable, returns ​0​.
unsigned int thread::hardware_concurrency() noexcept
return 0; // not computable
Remember the gthr-FreeRTOS.h
file? The same one where the mutex interface
is implemented? This file has number of function definitions to support threads.
They can be used now to implement missing definitions of std::thread
class. Task's function is visible for the first time
). This is an internal thread function.
User thread function is called inside. Definition will be described little
bit later.
Have a closer look at the _M_start_thread
. Interesting here is the state
argument. _State_ptr
is a unique_pointer<T>
and is intended to keep user's
thread function. The raw pointer kept inside the unique_pointer is passed to
the native thread function. This is important. It means the ownership
is passed. Now, the native thread function is responsible for releasing it.
For that reason, the thread function must execute! The join
would block by
definition. The detach
must wait for the thread to start.
namespace std{
void thread::_M_start_thread(_State_ptr state, void (*)())
const int err = __gthread_create(
&_M_id._M_thread, __execute_native_thread_routine, state.get());
if (err)
Both, join
and detach
are simple. One note on comparing threads. In the
typical implementation of these two functions, _M_id
's (thread::id type) are
compared directly. However, the overloaded compare operator makes copies of its
arguments. That is OK if the thread handle is just a pointer. Not so good if
the handle is a class with few members. So, to optimise it the threads are
compared directly instead. Less copies and assembler looks better as well.
void thread::join()
id invalid;
if (_M_id._M_thread != invalid._M_thread)
__gthread_join(_M_id._M_thread, nullptr);
// destroy the handle explicitly - next call to join/detach will throw
_M_id = std::move(invalid);
void thread::detach()
id invalid;
if (_M_id._M_thread != invalid._M_thread)
// destroy the handle explicitly - next call to join/detach will throw
_M_id = std::move(invalid);
So, how is FreeRTOS attached to the thread handle? Two features of the rtos are needed - a rtos task handle itself and an event group handle. The join function must block until the thread function executes. The events group matches this requirement perfectly. As in the case of the condition variable, both handles must be stored in one generic handle.
Everything would be beautiful if not the detach function. There is an issue that must be solved. The generic handle keeps both handles. Just for the clarity of this explanation forget about the generic one for the moment. So, there are two handles - a thread's handle and an event's handle.
The resources are allocated when a new thread starts. When should the resources be released? If the std::thread instance exists as long as the thread executes then the destructor should be the right place. However, due to the detach function the thread execution can outlive the std::thread instance. Should the handles be released in the thread function itself? Then what if the thread function finishes first? The join function must have access to the event handle. The handle must exist. Although, it should be possible to check if the handle is valid. I tried to go that way and I run into a race condition - who gets first - the thread function destroys the handle or join gets the handle. Because join must block on that handle then synchronisation becomes a challange. I think simpler solution exists.
The solution is that the two handles have different life time. The ugly part is that, two handles must be kept in the same generic handle. The rtos task handle is released at the end of the thread function. The events handle is released at the end of join/detach call. Here:
_M_id = std::move(invalid);
The native thread function is here:
namespace std{
static void __execute_native_thread_routine(void *__p)
__gthread_t local{*static_cast<__gthread_t *>(__p)}; //copy
{ // we own the arg now; it must be deleted after run() returns
thread::_State_ptr __t{static_cast<thread::_State *>(local.arg())};
local.notify_started(); // copy has been made; tell we are running
if (free_rtos_std::s_key)
local.notify_joined(); // finished; release joined threads
The handle is passed as a void pointer so, casting is needed and at the same
time a copy is made. Also, the state is put back into the unique_pointer __t
Now, it is time to notify that the thread has started execution and then
call the user's task. When the user's task function returns, the state
will be deleted (by the scope) and that means the thread has finished its
function. Delete thread local data and notify the joined thread. That is it.
The native thread handle is defined as __gthread
. The definition comes
from the gthr-FreeRTOS.h
typedef free_rtos_std::gthr_freertos __gthread_t;
The gthr_freertos
class is the generic handle, the one that holds both handles
inside. The rtos task and the event handle. The class is defined
in thrad_gthread.h
file and included in gthr-FreeRTOS.h
class gthr_freertos
friend std::thread;
eEvStoragePos = 0,
eStartedEv = 1 << 22,
eJoinEv = 1 << 23
typedef void (*task_foo)(void *);
typedef TaskHandle_t native_task_type;
gthr_freertos(const gthr_freertos &r);
gthr_freertos(gthr_freertos &&r);
~gthr_freertos() = default;
bool create_thread(task_foo foo, void *arg);
void join();
void detach();
void notify_started();
void notify_joined();
static gthr_freertos self();
static native_task_type native_task_handle();
bool operator==(const gthr_freertos &r) const;
bool operator!=(const gthr_freertos &r) const;
bool operator<(const gthr_freertos &r) const;
void *arg();
gthr_freertos &operator=(const gthr_freertos &r) = delete;
gthr_freertos() = default;
gthr_freertos(native_task_type thnd, EventGroupHandle_t ehnd);
gthr_freertos &operator=(gthr_freertos &&r);
void move(gthr_freertos &&r);
void wait_for_start();
native_task_type _taskHandle{nullptr};
EventGroupHandle_t _evHandle{nullptr};
void *_arg{nullptr};
bool _fOwner{false};
There is no point describing all of the functions. Below is a description, in my opinion, the most important ones.
Critical section is used in gthr_freertos
class functions. This simple
implementation is in reality disabling and enabling interrupts. If this is
not acceptable in your application, implementation of this class should
be changed.
namespace free_rtos_std
struct critical_section
critical_section() { taskENTER_CRITICAL(); }
~critical_section() { taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); }
Class is defined in critical_section.h
Creating the FreeRTOS task requires allocating two handles. They are not created in a constructor but in create_thread function. Program will terminate if there is no resources. Alternatively, the function could return false instead. By default 512 words will be allocated for the stack. This would be 2kB on ARM. Standard C++ interface does not let define the stack size. So, this code has to be modified if application requires more. Note, that the change will apply to all threads. The 2kB is required when futures are used. Without futures, I had the system running with 1kB only.
Critical section disables interrupts. As described earlier, the native thread function will delete thread's handle when finished. So here, critical section makes sure the thread does not start before the event's handle is stored in the thread's local storage.
bool gthr_freertos::create_thread(task_foo foo, void *arg)
_arg = arg;
_evHandle = xEventGroupCreate();
if (!_evHandle)
critical_section critical;
xTaskCreate(foo, "Task", 512, this, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, &_taskHandle);
if (!_taskHandle)
vTaskSetThreadLocalStoragePointer(_taskHandle, eEvStoragePos, _evHandle);
_fOwner = true;
return true;
Join waits for events to be notified by the native thread function. The 'while' loop makes sure it is not a spurious event. There is no need to synchronise anything. The thread function will not release the event handle even if the thread has finished execution.
void gthr_freertos::join()
while (0 == xEventGroupWaitBits(_evHandle,
eJoinEv | eStartedEv,
Detaching will remove the event handle. This can be done only if the thread has
started execution. Functions std::detach
or std::~thread
will destroy the handle.
Native thread function must make a copy of this instance first to preserve
the state pointer stored in _arg
Event handle is stored in the task's local storage. It must be set to an invalid handle now. Critical section is used to make sure that the task is not deleted while accessing the storage. However, task could not exist already. It must be tested if it is the case so.
void gthr_freertos::detach()
critical_section critical;
if (eDeleted != eTaskGetState(_taskHandle))
vTaskSetThreadLocalStoragePointer(_taskHandle, eEvStoragePos, nullptr);
_fOwner = false;
Both notifications are sent from the native thread functions. First one is to tell that the thread has started and all necesarry copies have been made. Second notification is to tell that the user's thread function has finished and two threads can be joined now.
There is not much to do for start notifiation. Just setting a bit in the event group.
To notify the joining thread is more difficult. There is a possibility that the thread has been detached and no one is waiting to join. That means the event handle is deleted. The event handle in 'this' instance is just a copy and can point to a released memory. In this case, valid information is stored in the local storage. If the handle is invalid, this indicates the thread has been detached and it is safe to exit without sending a notification.
Finally, the task can be deleted. FreeRTOS allows to pass nullptr as an argument
to remove 'this' task. Because the task is deleted, function will not return.
For that reason, the critical section is in its own scope - it must be destroyed
before deleting the task. From that moment any task handle, in any copies
is invalid. It can be tested using FreeRTOS API eTaskGetState
void gthr_freertos::notify_started()
xEventGroupSetBits(_evHandle, eStartedEv);
void notify_joined()
critical_section critical;
auto evHnd = static_cast<EventGroupHandle_t>(
pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer(_taskHandle, eEvStoragePos));
if (evHnd)
xEventGroupSetBits(evHnd, eJoinEv);
// vTaskDelete does not return
is passing the handle between functions quiet few times. Frequent
copies are made. The ownership is passed together with an ownership flag.
The code makes sure that the handles are destroyed only if the class is
the owner. gthr_freertos
class has a default destructor that does
not touch the handles. The handles are destroyed in the move operator.
It happens in the last line of the join/detach functions.
gthr_freertos::gthr_freertos(const gthr_freertos &r)
critical_section critical;
_taskHandle = r._taskHandle;
_evHandle = r._evHandle;
_arg = r._arg;
_fOwner = false;
gthr_freertos >hr_freertos::operator=(gthr_freertos &&r)
if (this == &r)
return *this;
if (_fOwner)
if (eDeleted != eTaskGetState(_taskHandle))
if (_evHandle)
_fOwner = false;
else if (r._fOwner)
return *this;
I have to admit I have cheated to provide support for futures. Simply,
I just included files from GCC repository. That is
Plus I copied a piece of code at the end of condition_variable.cpp
The reason for adding it at the end of file is that
is explicitly
inside of
// defined in src/c++11/
extern void
__at_thread_exit(__at_thread_exit_elt* elt);
Although, the extentions are diffrent (cc
vs cpp
) I did not want to create
a separate file, modify the comment or rename the existing file. I think this is
a good compromise.
Copying files is not enough. Few extra functions must be implemented to make futures working.
Function std::call_once
calls low level __gthread_once
. Implementation
is in gthr-FreeRTOS.h
. An external flag must be set to
when the function is called. Access to the flag is synchronised with
a mutex. Function is not called when the flag has already been set.
static int __gthread_once(__gthread_once_t *once, void (*func)(void))
static __gthread_mutex_t s_m = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
if (!s_m)
return 12; //POSIX error: ENOMEM
__gthread_once_t flag{true};
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(s_m, portMAX_DELAY);
std::swap(*once, flag);
if (flag == false)
return 0;
I found two functions in STL that require execution of user code AFTER
a thread has finished its execution. These are std::notify_all_at_thread_exit
and family of functions std::promise::set_value_at_thread_exit
I am not sure if there is more.
Again, GCC implementation is accesing functions in ghtr-FreeRTOS.h
The calls are redirected to my implementation:
typedef free_rtos_std::Key *__gthread_key_t;
static int __gthread_key_create(__gthread_key_t *keyp, void (*dtor)(void *))
{ return free_rtos_std::freertos_gthread_key_create(keyp, dtor);}
static int __gthread_key_delete(__gthread_key_t key)
{ return free_rtos_std::freertos_gthread_key_delete(key);}
static void *__gthread_getspecific(__gthread_key_t key)
{ return free_rtos_std::freertos_gthread_getspecific(key);}
static int __gthread_setspecific(__gthread_key_t key, const void *ptr)
{ return free_rtos_std::freertos_gthread_setspecific(key, ptr);}
Those functions provide a way of storing thread specific data.
To be honest I am not sure if my implementation does what is required. I read POSIX description of those functions many times and I find it ambigous.
My understanding is that key_create is called once in a thread function and it creates a single key. Then each thread running that function can store and load their specific data to that key. So, the key is a container of threads' data associated with the thread handler. In my code it is implemented as an unordered map.
Also, please notice the second argument of _key_create
Accordingly to POSIX description, this is a destructor function that will be
called when a thread has exited and the associated data is not null.
That key is defined in gthr_key_type.h
. There is a map to store the data,
pointer to a destructor function and a mutex to synchronise the map.
struct Key
using __gthread_t = free_rtos_std::gthr_freertos;
typedef void (*DestructorFoo)(void *);
Key() = delete;
explicit Key(DestructorFoo des) : _desFoo{des} {}
void CallDestructor(__gthread_t::native_task_type task);
std::mutex _mtx;
DestructorFoo _desFoo;
std::unordered_map<__gthread_t::native_task_type, const void *> _specValue;
Then key creation is like:
namespace free_rtos_std
Key *s_key;
int freertos_gthread_key_create(Key **keyp, void (*dtor)(void *))
// There is only one key for all threads. If more keys are needed
// a list must be implemented.
s_key = new Key(dtor);
*keyp = s_key;
return 0;
Storing and loading a value is just simple map manipulation. Functions
are implemented in gthr_key.cpp
Last missing thing is how to hook it to thread destruction.
The Key structure had a special function CallDestructor
. Function
finds an associated thread specific data. If found, removes it
from the storage and the previously registered destructor is called.
void CallDestructor(__gthread_t::native_task_type task)
void *val;
std::lock_guard lg{_mtx};
auto item{_specValue.find(task)};
if (item == _specValue.end())
val = const_cast<void *>(item->second);
if (_desFoo && val)
This function is called from std::__execute_native_thread_routine
, right after the user thread function has returned:
namespace free_rtos_std
extern Key *s_key;
static void __execute_native_thread_routine(void *__p)
// at this stage __t->_M_run() has finished execution
if (free_rtos_std::s_key)
That is it. From now on std::promise, std::future, etc. will work.
libgcc supports multithreading thanks to a trick to determine whether the executable uses pthread (see this link and this one).
Our own trick is to fool libgcc by providing a dummy __pthread_key_create
and pthread_cancel
functions. This way __gthread_active_p
returns 1
and libgcc enables multithreading and thread_local support.
Last bit of c++ threading is sleep_for
and sleep_until
The first one is simple and requires just one function which is defined in
file. It assumes that one tick in FreeRTOS is
one millisecond. Time is converted to ticks and FreeRTOS API vTaskDelay
the job.
void this_thread::__sleep_for(chrono::seconds sec, chrono::nanoseconds nsec)
long ms = nsec.count() / 1'000'000;
if (sec.count() == 0 && ms == 0 && nsec.count() > 0)
ms = 1; // round up to 1 ms => if sleep time != 0, sleep at least 1ms
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(chrono::milliseconds(sec).count() + ms));
Second function is, in fact, already implemented. However, it requires system
time to operate. sleep_until
calls gettimeofday
, which then calls
. This one must be implemented using FreeRTOS API.
In order to get time of day, it would be nice to be able to set time of day
first. For this reason an additional function to set time is provided. As far
as I am aware ctime
header does not provide a standard function for setting
time. My own implementation is provided instead. Both functions are in
Algorithm is very simple. System ticks is a time counter. Then a global variable is needed to keep an offset between the real time and ticks. The variable must be thread safe so:
namespace free_rtos_std
class wall_clock
struct time_data
timeval offset;
TickType_t ticks;
static time_data time()
{ //atomic
critical_section critical;
return time_data{_timeOffset, xTaskGetTickCount()};
static void time(const timeval &time)
{ //atomic
critical_section critical;
_timeOffset = time;
static timeval _timeOffset;
timeval wall_clock::_timeOffset;
Setting time becomes easy. Just storing the difference between ticks and the time:
using namespace std::chrono;
void SetSystemClockTime(
const time_point<system_clock, system_clock::duration> &time)
auto delta{time - time_point<system_clock>(
long long sec{duration_cast<seconds>(delta).count()};
long usec = duration_cast<microseconds>(delta).count() - sec * 1'000'000; //narrowing type
free_rtos_std::wall_clock::time({sec, usec});
Reading time is a reversed operation - add the offset and ticks:
timeval operator+(const timeval &l, const timeval &r);
extern "C" int _gettimeofday(timeval *tv, void *tzvp)
auto t{free_rtos_std::wall_clock::time()};
long long ms{pdTICKS_TO_MS(t.ticks)};
long long sec{ms / 1000};
long usec = (ms - sec * 1000) * 1000; //narrowing type
*tv = t.offset + timeval{sec, usec};
return 0; // return non-zero for error
There is few clever things in this library to manage hiding FreeRTOS behind generic handles but in general I believe it is a clean solution. I have doubts about performance. There is some copying involved. Also interrupts are disabled in few places. However, as I mentiond at the beggining, not every embeeded application is a safety critical or (hard) real time one. I could be wrong but I believe, someone who wants a real time application would not use std::thread in the first place anyway.
I believe that the main advantage of this library is the same generic C++ interface. I find it handy to implement and debug certain algorithms in Visual Studio and then port it to a target board painlesly.
The thread_local
issue is dissapointing. The only idea I have in my mind
would be to fork GCC and recompile it with __gthread_active_p
returning 1.
Would it work? Would not it break the compiler? I do not know. Give me a shout
if you try.
My target was to make C++ multithreading available over FreeRTOS API. So, I did
not bother to make POSIX C interface working. For that reason I believe
code in gthr-FreeRTOS.h
would not compile in plain C project (have not even
tried it).