- Compile and run for C++, C, java, python, perl, go from editor itself by pressing ctrl + c
- Run for C/C++ (given .exe or .out exist) ctrl+x
- Automatically inserts the template file on recognizing the extension for C/C++/html(can be extended for other languages)
- Retains cursor position for indivisual file
- On saving a sql file yanks it automatically to the global clipboard (for testing sql queries on CLI mysql)
- Special highlight (red) to match parenthesis
- Line numbers and relative numbering too
- Smart indentation
- Automatic close tags for html files
- Autoclose brackets and inverted commas
- Autocomplete feature (extended for javascript) using YouCompleteMe
- Nerdtree plugin for file tree
- Enhanced highlighting for C/C++
- Highlighting colors for css files
- Removes trailing whitespaces
- space for opening ctrl-p file explorer
- ctrl + k for switching tabs
- ctrl + t for new tab
- use tab to auto-complete from the buffer itself
- F2 for pasting from the global clipboard
- F9 for opening the same file in gedit
- F10 for applying the changes in .vimrc
- F11 Toggling the toolbar and menu for gViM
- F12 for yanking everything in the buffer to clipboard so as to paste elsewhere(for example pasting into codeforces submit)
- Default colorscheme is peachpuff
- C/C++ : far.vim (see the colors folder)
- JavaScript and php : slate
- html and python : jellybeans
- sql and markdown : peachpuff
git clone https://github.com/convict-git/.vimrc.git ~/vim_conf
cd ~/vim_conf
chmod 777 install.sh
Open gvim and in normal mode type and hit enter
author Priyanshu Shrivastav