Discord bot to detect if the message "goes hard" using machine learning, and then turn that message into some sort of meme.
- Scans messages on a given guild in discord,
- Translates them into english, using language detection from googletrans,
- Every message is scanned and fed into handcrafted model, that is loaded using pickle,
- Model created using Decision Tree Classifier, from sklearn,
- Data handcafted and flagged manually utilizng tkinter GUI for convenience,
- No message is ever saved or stored! It is deleted as soon as it is processed and flagged,
- The model does not train on any users messages. It trains on datased created using wonderwords + DialloGPT, stored in SQLite3 utilising SQLAlchemy,
- If the message is deemed "hard" the bot takes one of the images in resource folder and creates a meme with it using PIL,
- Utilizes complex discord perms,
- Uses dotenv for correct secret shadowing.
- Working commands