To use this in your project, add this dependency to your pom.xml
If you're managing dependencies manually, you need to download 3 JARs:
One way to do this might be:
curl -o barrister-0.1.18.jar ""
curl -o jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.7.jar ""
curl -o jackson-core-asl-1.9.7.jar ""
Then set your CLASSPATH:
export CLASSPATH=barrister-0.1.18.jar:jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.7.jar:jackson-core-asl-1.9.7.jar
generates Java classes from a Barrister IDL JSON file. To install:
curl > /usr/local/bin/idl2java
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/idl2java
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
Then run against your JSON file:
idl2java -j my.json -p com.example.mypackage -o src
To use Barrister on your Java project, follow these steps:
- Write a Barrister IDL file
- Run the
tool to convert the IDL file to.json
and (optionally).html
representations- See the download page for details on installing the barrister tool. It is separate from the Java bindings
- Run the
tool bundled with the above Maven dependency to generate Java classes from the IDLjson
file- See the tutorial below for details on running
- See the tutorial below for details on running
- Write server and/or client implementations based on the generated classes
Barrister doesn't tell you how to instantiate your classes at runtime. Consequently you are free
to expose your Barrister service classes via Spring, Guice, or as plain Servlets. The example
services on the Barrister web site use the provided BarristerServlet
, which allows you to expose
a single IDL and its related interfaces with no additional code provided that the interface
implementation classes contain no-arg constructors. See the Javadoc for a web.xml
example of
how to use this servlet. The
source is also a good example of how to
integrate with the Service class. You could adapt this code to wire up your services using the
framework of your choice.
- Read the Contact Service Tutorial
- Read the IDL Docs for more info on writing Barrister IDL files
- View the Javadoc API Reference based on the latest commit to master
- Barrister Google Group - Post questions and ideas here
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
Note to self on how to tag release
# start python conform server so that integration tests can run
cd ~/bitmechanic/barrister/conform; python conform.json &
# Edit `pom.xml`, bump version
# Edit ``, bump example maven dep version
# Edit ``, bump version
# publish to sonatype
mvn -DperformRelease=true clean deploy
(use keepass pw)
# stop python flask server
# publish artifact from staging
# see guide:
login to:
click 'Staging Repositories' in left sidebar
click a repository in middle pane (may popup window with 404, ignore)
bottom panel should show a staged release
click 'Close' button
enter a comment 'barrister 0.1.18'
click 'refresh' on the main pane - status should now be 'closed'
click on the repository again
click 'release' button
enter a comment 'Barrister RPC 0.1.18'
# push tag to github
git add -u
git commit -m "bump v0.1.18"
git tag -a v0.1.18 -m "version 0.1.18"
git push --tags
git push