- Bruxelles
- @copycut
ESLint rules to disable mutation and promote fp in JavaScript and TypeScript.
Simple, expected, and deterministic best-match sorting of an array in JavaScript
A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
Easy Email Editor is a feature-rich, top open-source SaaS email editor based on React and MJML.
Visualize keymaps that use advanced features like hold-taps and combos, with automatic parsing
Easily fetch data before rendering a vue component with vue-router and vuex
Portable and lightweight cross-platform desktop application development framework
⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
Util to remove empty string, undefined, null and empty arrays in nested objects and arrays
Rotary Encoder support for Keychron Q1
A Alice layout throughole keyboard with USBC. Inspired by the Plaid and TGR Alice
⚡️ Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data
A macOS menu bar item that displays the current song in iTunes or Spotify
Explore the charm of Vue composition API! Vite?
An exemplary real-world application built with Vue.js, Vuex, axios and different other technologies. This is a good example to discover Vue for beginners.
A 60% throughole keyboard with USBC. Inspired by the Plaid
Cache system on top of Express and with Redis as storage
Display the `v-snackbar` (from Vuetify) with a stack display
Unified daughterboards for custom keyboard designers and users
5x12 ortholinear through-hole component keyboard PCB for standard 60% cases