bootscripts and python scripts installation notes
python scripts are deployed in user/local/bin/projects/ bootscripts are deployed in us /etc/init.d/
1) set permissions for bootscript and python script
2) register script with this command: update-rc.d {nameofscript} defaults
3) ensure that python script and bootscript have the correct permissions. (chmod)
3) to remove bootscript from list: update-rc.d -f {nameofscript} remove
Testing from command line is possible.
1) sudo sh -x /etc/init.d/Daemon start (x is optional)
2) sudo /etc/init.d/MoonoDaemon start
* followed this shell example in the end.
#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/example
case "$1" in
echo "Starting example"
# run application you want to start
python /usr/local/sbin/ &
echo "Stopping example"
# kill application you want to stop
killall python
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/example{start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
project 1-
1) MotionCapture - captures photos with sensor
2) FilePoster - Posts images to server
project 2-
1) Sensor to turn on PowerswitchTail for lighting.