Polarhouse connects together
- Polars Dataframes (backed by the Apache Arrow columnar format)
- the Clickhouse columnar database.
More specifically, it allows:
- inserting Polars Dataframes into Clickhouse tables (and creating these if necessary).
- and vice-versa retrieving Clickhouse query results as Polars Dataframes.
Polarhouse uses the native TCP Clickhouse protocol via the klickhouse
crate. It maps the Polars and Clickhouse types, and builds Polars Series
(resp. Clickhouse columns) after transforming the data if necessary.
│ name ┆ is_rich ┆ age ┆ address │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ u8 ┆ i32 ┆ struct[2] │
│ Batman ┆ 1 ┆ 30 ┆ {{"Chicago","IL"},"USA"} │
│ Superman ┆ null ┆ null ┆ {{"New York","NY"},"USA"} │
│ Batman │ true │ 30 │ Chicago │ IL │ USA │
│ Superman │ null │ null │ New York │ NY │ USA │
let ch = klickhouse::Client::connect("localhost:9000", Default::default()).await?;
let df: DataFrame = ...
// Deduce table schema from the dataframe
let table = polarhouse::ClickhouseTable::from_polars_schema(table_name, df.schema(), [])?;
// Create Clickhouse table corresponding to the Dataframe (optional)
table.create(&ch, TableCreateOptions { primary_keys: &["name"] , ..Default::default() }).await?;
// Insert dataframe contents into table
table.insert_df(df, &ch).await?;
let ch = klickhouse::Client::connect("localhost:9000", Default::default()).await?;
// Retrieve Clickhouse query results as a Dataframe.
let df: DataFrame = polarhouse::get_df_query(
from polarhouse import Client
client = await Client.connect("localhost:9000", caching=True)
df = await self.client.get_df_query("SELECT * from superheros")
This is for now only a proof of concept.
- Use the
Clickhouse input/output formats, which can be read and written from Polars. - Write an Arrow Database Connectivity driver for Clickhouse, and use Polars' ADBC support.
- Clickhouse to Polars: ConnectorX (uses the MySQL interface).
$ docker run --network host --rm --name clickhouse clickhouse/clickhouse-server:latest
$ cargo nextest run -r --nocapture
- Integers
- Floating points
- Strings
- Booleans
- Categorical (Polars) / Low cardinality (Clickhouse)
- Structs (Polars), which get flattened into Clickhouse, with fields names separated by
- Nullables
- Lists (Polars) / Arrays (Clickhouse)
- UUIDs (mapped to Strings in Polars)
- Arrays (Polars)
- Tuples
- DateTime
- Time
- Duration
- ...