Pass the conch is a sentece from Lord of the Flies ( ).
Who has the conch can speak.
In a small team meeting where everyone need to explain a quick report of what happened yesterday and what is going to happen today: often there is a "who goes first" moment, "who would like to start today", "who is next now?".
Using pass-the-conch
the computer will decide randomly the order and change it every day.
- Python 3
- Festival
- Copy the file
- Edit the names of the people
- Execute
If some people are not in the meeting today: --missing paul john
In the there is a language setting and a people_transliterated.
software can synthesize different languages. In our team we wanted festival to read English in Russian accent: for this we transliterated to Russian. The names also need to be transliterated so this is what we did.
This can also be used to use the software in Russian (with the proper translation), Chinese, etc.