Collect useful docker commands.
./ { create | exec | start | stop | status | install | clean | pull }
docker build -t openssh-server .
docker run -d -P --name prj-id-1 openssh-server
docker port sshd-1 22
docker commit -p [container-id] backup01
docker save -o backup01.tar backup01
docker load -i /tmp/backup01.tar
docker swarm init
docker network create -d overlay rd-net
Show join-token command for both worker and manager
docker swarm join-token manager
docker swarm join --token <your_token> <your_ip_address>:2377
docker service create --name prj-id-1 --publish target=22,published=10120 --replicas=1 \
--network rd-net openssh-server:0.1
docker image tag bulletinboard:1.0 gordon/bulletinboard:1.0
Image name: <Docker Hub ID>/<Image Name>:<tag>
docker login
docker image push gordon/bulletinboard:1.0
docker run -d -p 30081:80 --name=sandbox1 -h sandbox1 qoriq/arm64-ubuntu \
bash -c "lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -D"
- run - create and start the container. Optionally, download the image if not available on the host.
- -d - start the container as a daemon.
- -p 30081:80 - forward port 80 in the container to port 30081 on the board.
- --name=sandbox1 - the name of the container (as visible to Docker).
- -h sandbox1 - the hostname inside the container.
- bash -c "lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -D" - the command to execute as PID 1 in the container.
mkdir build
chown 30000:30000 build
docker run -it --rm -u 30000 -v /home/root/build:/project gmacario/build-yocto
build@56c26aea6341:~$ cd /project/
build@56c26aea6341:/project$ curl -O
build@56c26aea6341:/project$ tar xjf poky-hardknott-25.0.3.tar.bz2
build@56c26aea6341:/project$ cd poky-hardknott-25.0.3
build@56c26aea6341:/project/poky-hardknott-25.0.3$ source ./oe-init-build-env
build@56c26aea6341:/project/poky-hardknott-25.0.3/build$ bitbake core-image-minimal