My task in this activity is to update the starter code to create a pacman and move these pacmen across the page.
- Task 1: Create a pacman on demand (button click)
- Task 2: Move these pacmen across the page
- Step 1: Download all documents from the PacMen Factory file: Index.html, pacman.js, files, and the Images folder
- Step 2: Open the Index.html file
- #1 When you click the "Add PacMan" button, a new pacman should appear at a random position on the screen. Each additional click generates a new pacman.
- #2 When you click the "Start Game" button, the pacman or pacmen created should start moving at random velocity on the screen. With every click on the "Start Game", the speed with which pacmen move increases.
- #3 When a given pacman hits the edge of the screen, it should change position to stay within the frame of the web page.
Also, you could check the developed leveraging these sources:
- An example of a well-formatted and well-maintained README file.
- Review the markdown guide and markdown live preview to learn more about the syntax.
You can email me at [email protected] for help regarding this project.
Changing the image when PacMan touches the edges of the screen, disapear when it collides with another PacMan
No applicable license at this time.