Official JavaScript SDK for Momento Serverless Cache
Immutable persistent collections for Kotlin
A Cursive Clojure theme with pastel colours and a dark background
A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
Leiningen template for Reagent applications in Clojurescript with Figwheel. Optionally includes secretary, cljs.test, garden, less, cider, devcards, cljs-devtools, re-risk
A services framework for Clojure / JVM applications.
Scratch code related to puppetdb (run scripts, profiling code, etc.)
cprice404 / la-clojure
Forked from JetBrains/la-clojureClojure plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
Resource types for managing settings in INI files
A puppet module for installing and managing puppetdb
Puppet module for managing PostgreSQL
cprice404 / Razor
Forked from nanliu/RazorRazor is next generation provisioning software that handles bare metal hardware and virtual server provisioning
cprice404 / ruby-trello
Forked from jeremytregunna/ruby-trelloImplementation of the Trello API for Ruby
Marionette Collective Plugins
Puppet module for managing PostgreSQL
A set of shared spec helpers specific to Puppetlabs projects
Puppet Labs Standard Library module. Please submit issues at and not using the issue tracker on Github. Pull requests, however, are encourage…
cprice404 / puppetdb
Forked from puppetlabs/puppetdbPuppet CMDB project
puppet modules to help set up a development environment
cprice404 / github-plugin
Forked from jenkinsci/github-pluginJenkins github plugin
This project facilitates acceptance testing of puppet.
cprice404 / puppet
Forked from puppetlabs/puppetServer automation framework and application
Implementation of the Trello API for Ruby
A set of shared spec helpers specific to Puppetlabs projects