This is a collection of Matlab functions that are useful in the development of target tracking algorithms.
PPO x Family DRL Tutorial Course(决策智能入门级公开课:8节课帮你盘清算法理论,理顺代码逻辑,玩转决策AI应用实践 )
A demo for the performace evaluation of different kinds of Kalman filters, including the conventional Kalman filter (KF), the unscented Kalman filter (UKF), the extended Kalman filter (EKF), the em…
astrofra / awesome-cpp-cn
Forked from jobbole/awesome-cpp-cnC++ 资源大全中文版,标准库、Web应用框架、人工智能、数据库、图片处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析等。由「开源前哨」和「CPP开发者」微信公号团队维护更新。
Air to air combat sandbox, created in Python 3 using the HARFANG 3D 2 framework.
A Gym Dogfighting Simulation Benchmark for Reinforcement Learning Research
Examples using the OpenEaagles framework
A tool that provides fast air combat simulation and display
C++ library to create Tacview compatible ACMI telemetry files
QtJSBSim modular flight simulator, front end for JSBSim