A multi-device distributed system for making distress calls when a person is in danger.
Beacon is an idea that came to me on a recent trip to Mexico. I had been worried about the risk of drug cartels and kidnappings that have been increasing in the country over recent years.
I imagined a scenario where there was no time to make a phone call etc. What if you had a device, such as a bracelet (could be anything, but somewhere on your body) with a button, that when pressed, could send a distress call to one or more people/organizations notifying them that your life is in danger. The distress call could contain all your details along with any data collected by the hardware, such as latitude & longitude from GPS, etc.
I haven't started this project yet, and I may never start it, depending on time I have available. But, if anyone would be interested in working on such a project (which I feel could potentially save lives) then do get in touch!
The core should be non-hardware specific and generic.
Hardware: should be small (inconspicuous), waterproof, durable and long-lasting battery. It could also have hardware 'swarm' that could link together and for situations where one piece of hardware is missing or not appropriate for the activity.
Support for multiple inputs (HR, GPS, buttons, etc).
Ability to 'ping' server with small data packets and receive commands (i.e. low bandwidth and high availability). Perhaps via roaming/radio signals or some sort of high availability (globally) network - can GPS satellites be used? Pings could be, say every 20 minutes and be logged on a server. Perhaps goal would be less than 1kb per ping/command. Could use what3words for location info.
The device could be paired with a smartphone via Bluetooth, allowing the phone to use it's GPS and roaming data to send distress calls.
Built-in commands such as distress (critical, 'in-fear', concerned), inform contacts of the plan change, inform contacts that all is ok, etc.
Built-in AI for things like unusual HR patterns or unexpected locations. That can prompt the user to confirm they are OK.
Separate (secure) app for configuring each 'beacon'. Things like your details, next of kin, setting up expected locations/dates, activities/times (e.g. running), people/authorities to contact in an emergency, who can see your stats and under what circumstances.
How about some sort of warning system to users that based on their current location and known danger areas that they shouldn't go there (perhaps a traffic light system of green/safe, amber/some risk and red/dangerous).