Piping Server written in Rust
Faster Piping Server than ever
- Faster is better
- Low memory cost
- Machine-friendly implementation
Safe, Fast and No garbage collection (GC)
You can choose some ways to run a server.
Executable files are available on GitHub Release for Linux and macOS. You can download it and run it.
The executable file for Linux is portable because it is statically linked.
Run a Piping Server on http://localhost:8181 by the following command.
docker run -p 8181:8080 --init nwtgck/piping-server-rust
You can clone, build and run this project as follows.
git clone https://github.com/nwtgck/piping-server-rust.git
cd piping-server-rust
cargo run --release
Piping Server in Rust
piping-server [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
--enable-https Enable HTTPS
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--crt-path <crt-path> Certification path
--http-port <http-port> HTTP port [default: 8080]
--https-port <https-port> HTTPS port
--key-path <key-path> Private key path