This gem makes it easy to get a Rails 3.2 app up and running with the Shopify API.
The generator creates a basic login controller for authenticating with your shop and a HomeController which displays basic information about your products, orders and articles.
Note: It’s recommended to use this on a new Rails project, so that the generator won’t overwrite/delete some of your files.
# Add the gem shopify_app to your Gemfile $ echo "gem 'shopify_app'" >> Gemfile $ bundle install
$ rails generate shopify_app your_app_api_key your_app_secret
If you don’t have an API key yet, create a Shopify Partner account at and create an app. You can also create test shops once you’re logged in as a partner.
When you create your app in the Shopify Partner Account, set the return URL to http://localhost:3000/login/finalize
You can also create a private application that only works for your shop by visiting
$ rails generate shopify_app edffbb1bb793e2750686e6f4647a384a fed5bb18hde3e2750686e6f4647a781a
This will create a LoginController and a HomeController with their own views.
Before making API requests, your application must state which API permissions it requires from the shop it’s installed in. These requested permissions will be listed on the screen the merchant sees when approving your app to be installed in their shop.
Start by reviewing the documentation on API permission scopes:
When you know which ones your app will need, add a scope line to the config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Make this change to request write access to products and read access to orders:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :shopify, ShopifyApp.configuration.api_key, ShopifyApp.configuration.secret, :scope => "write_products,read_orders", :setup => lambda {|env| params = Rack::Utils.parse_query(env['QUERY_STRING']) site_url = "https://#{params['shop']}" env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_options][:site] = site_url } end
(Note that you can change your API permission scopes on the fly, but the merchant will have to approve each change and your computed API password will change.)
First, start your application:
$ rails server
Now visit localhost:3000 and install your application in a Shopify store.
After your application has been given whatever API permissions you requested by the shop, you’re ready to start experimenting with the Shopify API.
Rails 3.0 (as in before the big changes in 3.1) is supported on a branch of our github repo: <= Read up on the possible API calls! <= Ask questions! <= Edit the docs!