Redux cookie middleware for both client and server ( universal )
iroy2000 / redux-persist
Forked from rt2zz/redux-persistpersist and rehydrate a redux store
Electrode boilerplate application which has Universal React + Node
React + Reflux + CoffeeScript + Stylus Boilerplate with Webpack
Awesome React Redux Workflow Boilerplate with Webpack 4
Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.
Specialized persistent collections in javascript -- immutable-js addons
vinWin / SnapIt
Forked from Sword-Anchor/SnapItBuilt with Angular, Nodejs , SnapIT application let’s users Snap/collect content from various websites to a single location by using built in custom Chrome extension
MEAN Stack RESTful API Tutorial - Contact List App
An Event Space Search and Booking App
A tiny and minimalist library that allows you to easily create a slideshow with pure HTML/CSS/JS
Demonstration of many features found in AngularJS including multiple views and routes.
ratracegrad / SnapIt
Forked from Sword-Anchor/SnapItAngular, Nodejs, bootstrap demo of website that allows users to collect their favorite web content in a single location by using our custom Chrome extension
henryng24 / family-thief
Forked from Family-Thief/family-thiefCollaborative writing platform