Hardcoder is a solution which allows Android APP and Android System to communicate with each other directly, solving the problem that Android APP could only use system standard API rather than the …
Build beautiful desktop apps with flutter and rust. 🌠 (wip)
A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
SwipeBack is an android library that can finish a activity by using gesture.
SwipeBack for Android Activities to do pretty the same as the android "back-button" will do, but in a really intuitive way by using a swipe gesture
A declarative API to handle Android runtime permissions.
Material Shadows for android : A library for supporting convex material shadows
Barcode scanner library for Android, based on the ZXing decoder
Android日历 仿小米 华为 滴答清单 365日历(农历),周视图 月视图 平滑滚动 节假日 五六行周切换 week or month calendar
A replica of wandoujia proguard dictionary
This is a picker view for android , support linkage effect, timepicker and optionspicker.(时间选择器、省市区三级联动)
You can now select a date and a time with only one widget !
An Android Widget for selecting items that rotate on a wheel.
xposed hotfix/dynamic load/no reboot library
A way to make budgeting easy. A basic idea for the community, made even better by the community.
Colored logcat script which only shows log entries for a specific application package.
A colorful and highly configurable alternative to the standard "adb logcat" command from the Android SDK