Repository for storing my configuration files and easily porting then between devices.
Based on the following guide:
# Clone into a bare repository
git clone --bare ~/.cris-shell
# Set the following alias in your terminal session for convenience
alias crissh='git --git-dir=$HOME/.cris-shell/ --work-tree=$HOME'
# Checkout the content from the repository to your home directory
# You might get a warning that the checkout would override existing files
# In that case back up the files, delete them, or use the "--force" option
crissh checkout
# Hide untracked files
crissh config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
# setup zsh
cat <<EOF >> ~/.zshrc
########### CUSTOM ZSH CONFIG ###########
[ -r ~/.custom.zsh ] && . ~/.custom.zsh
# setup bash
cat <<EOF >> ~/.bashrc
########### CUSTOM BASH CONFIG ###########
[ -r ~/.custom.bash ] && . ~/.custom.bash