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/ puppet-etcd Public archive

etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines.


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This module installs and configures etcd.

A basic provider is also implemented that can add/update/delete node keys

Because of the way etcd is working, you can't change any of the initial cluster variables after first run:


This is annoying if you first bootstraped the cluster in http mode and you want to add ssl after that to initial_cluster parameter.


  • Don't care. Even if the protocol is http, the communication will be over ssl
  • redeploy the cluster (rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/$data_dir)


Basic usage:

include etcd


class { 'etcd':
  ensure                     => 'latest',
  etcd_listen_client_urls    => '',

Add a key/value pair to etcd:

etcd_key { '/': value => '{ "Network": "" }' }

Remove a key:

etcd_key { '/': ensure => absent }

Deploy a cluster:

class { 'etcd':
    listen_client_urls          => '',
    advertise_client_urls       => "http://${::fqdn}:2379,",
    listen_peer_urls            => '',
    initial_advertise_peer_urls => "http://${::fqdn}:2380,",
    initial_cluster             => [

Enable ssl for client communication:

class { 'etcd':
  ensure                      => 'latest',
  etcd_name                   => $::hostname,
  listen_client_urls          => '',
  advertise_client_urls       => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
  # clients should speak over ssl
  cert_file                   => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/${::clientcert}.pem",
  key_file                    => "${::settings::ssldir}/private_keys/${::clientcert}.pem",
  # authorize clients
  client_cert_auth            => true,
  # and verify clients certificates
  trusted_ca_file             => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/ca.pem",
  initial_cluster             => [

Use the etcd provider with ssl certificates:

etcd_key { '/':
  value     => '{ "Network": "" }',
  peers     => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
  cert_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/${::clientcert}.pem",
  key_file  => "${::settings::ssldir}/private_keys/${::clientcert}.pem",
  # verify server ceretificate
  ca_file   => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/ca.pem",

Deploy a cluster with full ssl for both clients and peers

class { 'etcd':
  ensure                      => 'latest',
  etcd_name                   => $::hostname,
  # clients
  listen_client_urls          => '',
  advertise_client_urls       => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
  # clients ssl
  cert_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
  key_file  => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
  # authorize clients
  client_cert_auth            => true,
  # verify clients certificates
  trusted_ca_file             => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
  # cluster
  listen_peer_urls            => '',
  initial_advertise_peer_urls => "https://${::fqdn}:2380",
  initial_cluster             => [
  # peers ssl
  peer_cert_file              => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
  peer_key_file               => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
  # authorize peers
  peer_client_cert_auth       => true,
  # verify peers certificates
  peer_trusted_ca_file        => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
  debug     => true,

Deploy a proxy

If the $proxy parameter is undef, we will try to guess if the node should be a proxy by checking if $::fqdn or $::ipaddress appears in initial_cluster parameter.

class { 'etcd':
  ensure                      => 'latest',
  etcd_name                   => $::hostname,
  proxy                       => 'on',
  # clients
  listen_client_urls          => '',
  advertise_client_urls       => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
  # clients ssl
  cert_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
  key_file  => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
  # authorize clients
  client_cert_auth            => true,
  # verify clients certificates
  trusted_ca_file             => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
  # cluster
  listen_peer_urls            => '',
  initial_cluster             => [
  # peers ssl
  peer_cert_file              => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
  peer_key_file               => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
  # authorize peers
  peer_client_cert_auth       => true,
  # verify peers certificates
  peer_trusted_ca_file        => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
  debug     => true,

Journald forward:

The class support a parameter called journald_forward_enable.

This was added because of the PIPE signal that is sent to go programs when systemd-journald dies.

For more information read here:


  include ::forward_journald
  Class['forward_journald'] -> Class['etcd']


etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines.







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