First, put `yalog' directory on app/plugins in your CakePHP application.
Second, add the following code in bootstrap.php.
'engine' => 'Yalog.RotateFileLog'
Configure::write('Yalog.RotateFileLog.weekly', true);
Configure::write('Yalog.RotateFileLog.rotate', 4);
First, put `yalog' directory on app/plugins in your CakePHP application.
Second, put log4php source directory on app/plugins/yalog/vendors/log4php in your CakePHP application.
Third, add the following code in bootstrap.php.
'engine' => 'Yalog.Log4php'
Modify following,
- app/plugins/yalog/libs/log/
- Log4php::write() in app/plugins/yalog/libs/log/log4php.php
Add the following code in bootstrap.php.
CakeLog::config('Yalog..OutputLevel', LOG_WARNING);
Set lower level than level that you want to output the log at. (LOG_ERROR:2 > LOG_WARNING:4 > LOG_NOTICE:5 > LOG_INFO:6 > LOG_DEBUG:7)
In the example, log of "LOG_ERROR", "LOG_WARNING" and the others are output.
All output is stopped when it is set to false.
CakeLog::config('Yalog..OutputLevel', false);
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