A ray tracer, built in Unity with compute shaders
State of the art sorting and segmented sorting, including OneSweep. Implemented in CUDA, D3D12, and Unity style compute shaders. Theoretically portable to all wave/warp/subgroup sizes.
适用于 Android 设备的 maimai 虚拟触摸屏幕
Native plugin for Unity3d that replaces the renderer with a hardware accelerated ray tracer.
RTXGI-DDGI Implementation with Unity (2022.3.17f1c1-URP14.0.9)
Unity引擎C++接口 | Unity Engine C++ API | Mono/il2cpp | 支持 Windows, Android, Linux, IOS, HarmonyOS | Game Cheat | 游戏作弊
An example of rendering grasses on terrain using draw DrawMeshInstancedIndirect and compute shader.
Precomputed Radiance Transfer Global Illumination in Unity URP
Volumetric Fog Package for URP Forward+
CsprojModifier performs additional processing when Unity Editor generates the .csproj.
An implementation of [Jimenez et al., 2016] Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion, MIT license
Source Code for "Ray Tracing Gems II: Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX" by Adam Marrs, Peter Shirley, and Ingo Wald
Hybrid GI solution, based on DDGI ( include Ray-Tracing and SDF-Tracing )
An example of a custom rendering pipeline that restores the rendering of HSR
A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library and rendering framework
💡 Experimental real-time global illumination renderer 🦀
A Unity Plugin for Converting Terrain 2 Mesh & Terrain 2 Data for Runtime Virtual Texture.
《Effective Modern C++》- 完成翻译
zhangjiequan / AssetStudio
Forked from Perfare/AssetStudioAssetStudio - Based on the archived Perfare's AssetStudio, I continue Perfare's work to keep AssetStudio up-to-date, with support for new Unity versions and additional improvements.
Shader playground website for exploring HLSL, GLSL, SPIR-V compilers
A rendering sample that demonstrates bindless deferred texturing using D3D12
Fan-made shaders for Unity URP attempting to replicate the shading of Honkai: Star Rail.