The Green Wizard is a discord NFT tipbot launched in 2019, and is the first ever NFT tipbot on any chat platform. It was custom built specifically for cryptomonKeys, and has given out more than 50,000 free NFTs to date. It also has advanced auto-moderation capabilities, and has automatically banned tens of thousands of spammers/scammers.
The Green wizard requires python >=3.9 and a redis server. You can configure redis settings, bot private key, etc in or through the environment variables referenced in that file. Once configured:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Contributions are welcome. At this time there is no formal PR format. Please lint with python black and flake8, and clearly explain your changes in your pull request. Looking for a first PR? Consider writing some new tests.
You are welcome to fork the project and use it for your own purposes. Please note that it is licensed under the AGPL (GNU Affero General Public License) which requires you to publicly share any modifications you make to this code if you are running it to provide a service over a network (IE as discord bot). You can edit the github share link in the About command to link to your public repository to fulfill this usage requirement. This code is made available on an as-is basis as described in the license. The maintainer of this project will not provide any setup support.