This is an attempt at providing a general purpose library for writing files based on templates
A template will require 2 types of entities to be really useful
A markup - containing all the non-semantics of the template and tags for inserting data
- This is by convention placed in files matching templates/_.*
- Example: _index.html could define a beautiful homepage and some tags
Some data - containing a datatype that the markup file expects
- This is by convention placed in files matching templates/filename.json where filename matches a markup file like templates/_(.*).json
- Example: index.html.json could define data for our template above
Both of these types will probably be configurable at some point
There are some "special" fields that template data can contain:
- "destination": Specifies where to place the created file. If not specified, the generated file will be created in "Default_output_dir" from config
- "name": specifies a name for the generated templated. Final destination will be "destination"/"name"