September 2021
Version 2.0 beta
New in version 2:
- all output in vcf format
- output of invariant sites
- genotype calling based on genotype likelihoods
- compatibility with minimap2 and other mappers
- inference of TIPs from single-end reads
detettore uses reference-aligned paired-end reads to search for:
- TE insertion polymorphisms (TIPs), i.e. TEs absent in the reference genome but present in a sequenced individual
- TE absence polymorphisms (TAPs), i.e. TEs present in the reference but absent in a sequenced individual
Packaging in progress. At present, the program can be used by downloading the git folder and installing missing Python dependencies manually.
The only non-Python dependency is minimap2, which can be downloaded here:
Basic usage illustrated with the data in the example folder. \
-b example/reads.bam \
-r example/reference.fasta \
-a example/TE_annotation.gff \
-t example/TE_consensusLib.fasta \
-o example \
-m tips taps \
--require_split \
Parameter | Explanation |
Input/Output | |
-b | bam file with reference-aligned paired-end reads. |
-r | Reference genome in fasta format. |
-t | TE consensus sequences in fasta format. |
-a | TE annotation in bed or gff format. |
-o | Sample name, used as a prefix for output files. |
Program settings | |
-m | The module to run (tips, taps, or both, as above). |
-c | Number of CPUs. |
--region | Restrict search to region chromosome:start:end. |
--include_invariant | Include conserved TEs in vcf output. |
--require_split | Discard variant candidates if no splitread evidence is present. |
--keep | Keep intermediate files. |
Thresholds | |
-q | Minimum mapping quality of reference-aligned anchor reads. |
-lDR | Minimum alignment length for discordant read-pair mtarget hits. [50] |
-lSR | Minimum alignment length for splitread target hits. [20] |
Points to consider:
- Chromosome names must be consistent in the different files, which can be a problem when files are downloaded from different sources.
- The bam file should be as unfiltered as possible: files containing only properly paired or uniquely mapping reads, while useful for SNP calling, lack the information tapped by detettore.
The command above will produce a file called example.vcf.gz containing TIPs and TAPs, and a log file example.log. If --keep was set, a folder sample_tmp will also be present, containing ...
Here is an example workflow to call TE polymorphisms on multiple samples. GNU parallel is used to run 10 samples in parallel, with one CPU per sample. A different approach might be required on computing clusters with job queing.
# Set input files which do not change for different samples
# Create a list of detettore commands, looping through a list containg paths to bam files.
# The files are assumed to be named sample.bam
while read bampath;
sample=$(basename $bampath | cut -d'.' -f1)
echo "\ \
-b $bampath \
-r $ref \
-a $annot \
-t $telib \
-o $sample \
-m tips taps \
-c 1 \
--require_split \
>> run_detettore.cmds
done < paths_to_bam.txt
# Use GNU parallel to run 10 commands simultaneously. Save stderr and stdout to log files.
parallel -j10 < run_detettore.cmds 2> err.log > stdout.log
GNU General Public License v3. See LICENSE.txt for details.