Yelp Fushion API (business search): https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/business_search
tacos.csv (Restaurant that sell burritos and tacos in the U.S.): https://data.world/datafiniti/restaurants-burritos-and-tacos
create_tacos_db() - Create tacos.sqlite
populate_tacos_db() - Create Table Restaurants and Cities from tacos.csv
yelp_search(term, location) - Pass queries to make_request_using_cache()
make_request_using_cache() - Return requests results or cache
db_search(city) - Pass city input to sqlite to search results from db
run py file: final_project.py
1.Yelp API
a. Output to csv file
b. Output to plotly map
c. Read Top Reviews from Yelp web page
2.Tacos DB
i. Plot Top 10 cities with the most tacos restaurants (U.S.) in plotly bar charts
ii.Choose city in the U.S.a. Output to csv file
b. Output to plotly map
c. Compare with Yelp results on plotly map