- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- http://fluffy.es
- @soulchildpls
Weighs the soul of incoming HTTP requests using proof-of-work to stop AI crawlers
A delightful Ruby way to work with AI. No configuration madness, no complex callbacks, no handler hell – just beautiful, expressive Ruby code.
An unofficial PC port of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Unleashed created through the process of static recompilation.
The open-source alternative to Carbon.ai. Build powerful RAG applications with any data source, at any scale.
Hotwire demo application implementing a kanban board
A modern, geometric typeface by @chrismsimpson (last commit @ 85fa625 Jun 9, 2020 before deletion) Removed because of https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/metropolis-font-repo-missing/69415/3
Less painful way to work with Shopify Graphql API in Ruby.
Commento with out of the box patches and updates to add useful features and fixes. Also with one-click deploy to Heroku so you can get up and running fast.
A text editor specialized for displaying and editing code documents. Written in pure Swift.
Easily convert your SVG files into CGPaths, CAShapeLayers, and UIBezierPaths
Python and JavaScript packages listing all known link shorteners
A gem to assist with the internationalization and localization of ruby code
A modern, high customizable, responsive Jekyll theme for documentation with built-in search.
A fast, bloat-free comments platform (Github mirror)
Generate scoped sequential IDs for ActiveRecord models
Replacement icons for some apps in the style of macOS BigSur / 自制Big Sur风格圆角图标合集, 持续更新中
Validates european vat numbers. Standalone or as a ActiveModel validator.
Tomorrow Color Schemes for SublimeText 2
Performant and reusable text view component (TextKit 2), with line numbers and more. UITextView / NSTextView replacement.
Pikachu Volleyball implemented into JavaScript by reverse engineering the original game
Examples for Flow's Run code action
10-color Palette Generator and API for Tailwind CSS