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Benchmark Tools

The package of Benchmark Tools is a collection of useful audio tools that help your experiment smooth.

Version: 1.0.0


Please install required package first

pip install -r requirement.txt


Note: if you don't know how use each tool, please execute python <script name> -h

1. Play, record pull wave file from DUT

An useful tool help you play, record, and pull audio wave files under a DUT. Use -h for more details.

Play, Record, and Pull audio

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ip IP               camera ip address
  --username USERNAME   camera username, default: ubnt
  --password PASSWORD   camera password, default: ubntubnt
  --duration DURATION   recording duration when source file is not specified, default: 10.0
  --host_play_audio HOST_PLAY_AUDIO
                        source file / direcotry to be played on host, default: None
  --host_play_gain HOST_PLAY_GAIN
                        gain (dB) to be applied on the host wav file, default: 1.0
  --dut_play_audio DUT_PLAY_AUDIO
                        source file / direcotry to be played on dut, default: None
  --dut_play_gain DUT_PLAY_GAIN
                        gain (dB) to be applied on the dut wave file, default: 1.0
  --dest_folder DEST_FOLDER
                        destination folder, default: current working directory
  -c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
                        channel number of recording

The parameter host_play_audio and dut_play_audio can be a file or directory. If any of them is set to a directory path, the *.wav file under that folder would be played. The parameter host_play_gain and dut_play_gain can adjust the amplitude of audio files respectively.

  • Linux:
python --ip= --username=ubnt --password=ubntubnt --dut_play_audio="./examples/play_record_pull/zh-TW/common_voice_zh-TW_18516087.wav"
  • Windows:
python --ip= --username=ubnt --password=ubntubnt --dut_play_audio=".\examples\play_record_pull\zh-TW\common_voice_zh-TW_18516087.wav"

The program will play ./examples/play_record_pull/zh-TW/common_voice_zh-TW_18516087.wav via default speaker of your computer, and then record on the DUT via ssh commands. Finally, pull back the audio file under dest_folder folder.

2. Align

Align single input file with target file

  • Linux:
python --target_file ./examples/benchmark_snr/clean/SPEECHDT_602_Female_one_44100Hz.wav --input_file ./examples/benchmark_snr/dut/dut.wav --output_file ./aligned.wav
  • Windows:
python --target_file .\examples\benchmark_snr\clean\SPEECHDT_602_Female_one_44100Hz.wav --input_file .\examples\benchmark_snr\dut\dut.wav --output_file .\aligned.wav

Batch align the input folder with target file

  • Linux:
python --target_file="./source_file/Dyna-Src_P835_4_sentences_4convergence_16000Hz.wav" --batch_input_folder="/path/to/input_folder" --batch_output_folder="/path/to/output_folder"
  • Windows:
python --target_file=".\source_file\Dyna-Src_P835_4_sentences_4convergence_16000Hz.wav" --batch_input_folder="\path\to\input_folder" --batch_output_folder="\path\to\output_folder"

3. Benchmark SNR

usage: [-h] [-s SPEECH_FILE] [-d DUT_FOLDER] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT]

A customized script for benchmark SNR experiment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SPEECH_FILE, --speech_file SPEECH_FILE
                        clean speech source file
  -d DUT_FOLDER, --dut_folder DUT_FOLDER
                        DUT mic record folder
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        timestamp config
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output folder


  • Linux:
python -s ./examples/benchmark_snr/clean/SPEECHDT_602_Female_one_44100Hz.wav -d ./examples/benchmark_snr/dut -c ./examples/benchmark_snr/clean/timestamp.csv -o ./examples/benchmark_snr/results
  • Windows:
python -s .\examples\benchmark_snr\clean\SPEECHDT_602_Female_one_44100Hz.wav -d .\examples\benchmark_snr\dut -c .\examples\benchmark_snr\clean\timestamp.csv -o .\examples\benchmark_snr\results

More details

This script is customized for benchmark SNR experiment. For the experiment, the clean speech with pilot signal and noise are played by the host with the respective speaker, e.g. the speak speech and noise speaker. Then, the degraded file are recorded by another computer. This script is designed for offline rms calculation, not for data collection.

Assumption for clean speech signal:

  • There is a pilot tone, following by the speech signal. We can use the pilot tone to align the clean source file and the degrade file.
    • No noise for the pilot tone period Benchmark snr example
    • Record file from DUT side Benchmark snr degraded The script automatically align these files by correlation. Then it output the rms level of each session provided by timestamp.csv

Inputs for the script:

  1. --speech_file points to the clean speech with the pilot
  2. --dut_folder points to the collection dut record for benchmark
  3. --config: the timestamp.csv exported from Audition, which marks the speech / noise period of the clean speec_file. Please refer to ./examples/benchmark_snr/clean/timestamp.csv for example.

Output for the script:

  1. output points to a folder where result csv and figures are stored.
├── dut.csv
├── dut.png
└── dut2.png

4. Root Mean Square (RMS)

usage: rms [-h] [-v] [-f FRAME_SIZE] file [file ...]

Calculate the rms for the entire wave file

  • Linux:
python rms examples/benchmark_erle/DoubleTestSignal-far_end_44100.wav
  • Windows:
python rms examples\benchmark_erle\DoubleTestSignal-far_end_44100.wav
  • result:
[rms] examples/benchmark_erle/DoubleTestSignal-far end_44100.wav: -23.759493494843756

Visualize the rms versus time

  • Linux:
python rms -v examples/benchmark_erle/DoubleTestSignal-far_end_44100.wav
  • Windows:
python rms -v examples\benchmark_erle\DoubleTestSignal-far_end_44100.wav

RMS example

Visualize the rms versus time (Multiple soundfile at a time)

  • Linux:
python rms -v examples/benchmark_erle/DoubleTestSignal-far_end_44100.wav examples/benchmark_erle/DoubleTestSignal-near_end_44100.wav
  • Windows:
python rms -v examples\benchmark_erle\DoubleTestSignal-far_end_44100.wav examples\benchmark_erle\DoubleTestSignal-near_end_44100.wav

RMS example II


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