This is the implementation of the following ECCV2014 paper:
Video Pop-up: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes
Chris Russell*, Rui Yu*, Lourdes Agapito
*Joint first authorship
and the reconstruction part of:
Dense Monocular Depth Estimation in Complex Dynamic Scenes
Rene Ranftl, Vibhav Vineet, Qifeng Chen, Vladlen Koltun
For more information about this work, please visit the project website.
This github repository is maintained by Rui Yu ([email protected]). Contact me if you have any questions.
VideoPopup has been tested in Ubuntu 14.04 only.
Vispy: we use vispy for 3D visualization
CVXPY: if you want to try depth reconstruction
OpenSfM: see this Dockerfile for the commands to install all dependencies for OpenSfM.
Our code base already contains a modified version of OpenSfM, so you do not need to install OpenSfM yourself.
To compile the system, do the following:
One example sequence is available at google drive.
put data folder under root directory
if you want to create new tracks file, check data/Kitti/05_2f/
After building the code and downloading the data, you are ready to try the provided examples.
Keyboard interactions
'q': save rendering image
'c': switch between image color and segmentation color
's': decrease point size
'b': increase point size
'Right': next frame
'Left: previous frame
If you use, you can also do
' ': reset to original viewpoint
'p': show pointcloud
'f': show mesh faces