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Rename prox_l1_and_sum_optimized -> prox_l1_and_sum; put ref implemen…
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jamesfolberth committed Dec 2, 2018
1 parent 9b9d420 commit 27379e5
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Showing 5 changed files with 485 additions and 481 deletions.
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions mexFiles/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -317,8 +317,15 @@ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
const double *x = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);

// Second input
//TODO JMF 18 Nov 2018: should accept a vector input?
const double lambda = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
// lambda can be a vector or a scalar
size_t n_lambda = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
if (n_lambda > 1 && n_lambda != nCols) {
mexErrMsgTxt("lambda should be a scalar or have number of elements "
"equal to the number of columns of X.");
const double *lambda = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);

// Third input
const double b = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
Expand All @@ -339,7 +346,7 @@ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
// Okay, now we're ready to go
if (nCols == 1) { // vector case
Proxl1Sum prox;, x, nRows, lambda, b);, x, nRows, lambda[0], b);

} else {
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(opt.num_threads)
Expand All @@ -348,10 +355,11 @@ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (size_t j=0; j<nCols; ++j) {
double lambda_val = (n_lambda > 1) ? lambda[j] : lambda[0];
if (zero_diag) { + nRows*j, x + nRows*j, nRows, lambda, b, j); + nRows*j, x + nRows*j, nRows, lambda_val, b, j);
} else { + nRows*j, x + nRows*j, nRows, lambda, b); + nRows*j, x + nRows*j, nRows, lambda_val, b);
Expand Down
268 changes: 259 additions & 9 deletions mexFiles/tests/test_prox_l1_and_sum.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,15 +16,16 @@
n_cols = 600;
x = randn(n_rows, n_cols);
x = x(:);
t = 1;
Q = 1;
b = 1;
t = rand();
t = rand(n_cols,1);
Q = rand();
b = rand();
zeroID = true;
useMatricized = false;
useMex = true;

% Make the prox operators
prox_ref = prox_l1_and_sum(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID, useMatricized);
prox_test = prox_l1_and_sum_optimized(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID);
prox_ref = prox_l1_and_sum_ref(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID);
prox_test = prox_l1_and_sum(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID, useMex);

[~,y_ref] = prox_ref(x, t);
[~,y_test] = prox_test(x, t);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,13 +53,13 @@
Q = 1;
b = 1;
zeroID = true;
useMatricized = true;
useMex = true;

% Make the prox operator
%prox = prox_l1_and_sum(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID, useMatricized);
%prox = prox_l1_and_sum_ref(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID);
shrink_mex2(struct('num_threads', 4));
prox_l1_and_sum_worker_mex(struct('num_threads', 8));
prox = prox_l1_and_sum_optimized(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID);
prox = prox_l1_and_sum(Q, b, n_cols, zeroID, useMex);

% Warm up
n_done = 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,3 +96,252 @@
profile off;


function op = prox_l1_and_sum_ref( q, b, nColumns, zeroID )

%PROX_L1_AND_SUM L1 norm with sum(X)=b constraints
% OP = PROX_L1_AND_SUM( Q ) implements the nonsmooth function
% OP(X) = norm(Q.*X,1) with constraints
% Q is optional; if omitted, Q=1 is assumed. But if Q is supplied,
% then it must be a positive real scalar (or must be same size as X).
% OP = PROX_L1_AND_SUM( Q, B )
% includes the constraints that sum(X(:)) == B
% (Default: B=1)
% OP = PROX_L1_AND_SUM( Q, B, nColumns )
% takes the input vector X and reshapes it to have nColumns
% and applies this prox to every column
% OP = PROX_L1_AND_SUM( Q, B, nColumns, zeroID )
% if zeroID == true (it is false by default)
% then after reshaping X, enforces that X(i,i) = 0
% Often useful for sparse subpsace clustering (SSC)
% See, e.g.,

% Nov 2017, [email protected]

if nargin == 0
q = 1;
elseif ~isnumeric( q ) || ~isreal( q ) || any( q < 0 ) || all(q==0) || numel( q ) ~= 1
error( 'Argument must be positive.' );
if nargin < 2 || isempty(b), b = 1; else, assert( numel(b) == 1 ); end
if nargin < 3 || isempty( nColumns), nColumns = 1;
else assert( numel(nColumns) == 1 && nColumns >= 1 ); end
if nargin < 4 || isempty( zeroID ), zeroID = false; end

if zeroID && nColumns == 1
'You requested enforcing zero diagonals but did not set nColumns>1 which is probably a mistake');

% This is Matlab and Octave compatible code
op = tfocs_prox( @(x)f(q,x), @(x,t)prox_f(q,b,nColumns,zeroID,x,t) , 'vector' );

% These are now subroutines, that are NOT in the same scope
function v = f(qq,x)
v = norm( qq(:).*x(:), 1 );

function x = prox_f(qq,b,nColumns,zeroID,x,t) % stepsize is t
tq = t .* qq; % March 2012, allowing vectorized stepsizes
tq = reshape(tq, [1 numel(tq)]);

shrink = @(x) sign(x).*max( abs(x) - tq, 0 );
shrink_nu = @(x,nu) shrink(x-nu);

if zeroID && nColumns > 1
X = reshape( x, [], nColumns );
n = size(X,1);
if nColumns > n
error('Cannot zero out the diagonal if columns > rows');
Xsmall = zeros( n-1, nColumns );
for col = 1:nColumns
ind = [1:col-1,col+1:size(X,1)];
Xsmall(:,col) = X(ind,col);
Xsmall = prox_l1sum_matricized( Xsmall, tq, b, shrink_nu );
for col = 1:nColumns
X(col,col) = 0;
ind = [1:col-1,col+1:size(X,1)];
X(ind,col) = Xsmall(:,col);
x = X(:);
if nColumns > 1
X = reshape( x, [], nColumns );
X = prox_l1sum_matricized( X, tq, b, shrink_nu );
x = X(:);
x = prox_l1sum( x, tq, b, shrink_nu );

% Main algorithmic part: if x0 is length n, takes O(n log n) time
function x = prox_l1sum( x0, lambda, b, shrink_nu )

brk_pts = sort( [x0-lambda;x0+lambda], 'descend' );

xnu = @(nu) shrink_nu( x0 , nu );
h = @(x) sum(x) - b; % want to solve h(nu) = 0

% Bisection
lwrBnd = 0;
uprBnd = length(brk_pts) + 1;
iMax = ceil( log2(length(brk_pts)) ) + 1;
PRINT = false; % set to "true" for debugging purposes
dispp = @disp;
printf = @fprintf;
dispp = @(varargin) 1;
printf = @(varargin) 1;
dispp(' ');
for i = 1:iMax
if uprBnd - lwrBnd <= 1
dispp('Bounds are too close; breaking');
j = round( (lwrBnd+uprBnd)/2 );
%printf('j is %d (bounds were [%d,%d])\n', j, lwrBnd,uprBnd ); %
if j==lwrBnd
dispp('j==lwrBnd, so increasing');
j = j+1;
elseif j==uprBnd
dispp('j==uprBnd, so increasing');
j = j-1;

a = brk_pts(j);
x = xnu(a); % the prox
p = h(x);

if p > 0
uprBnd = j;
elseif p < 0
lwrBnd = j;
% Don't rely on redefinition of printf,
% since then we would still calculate find(~x)
% which is slow
printf('i=%2d, a = %6.3f, p = %8.3f, zeros ', i, a, p );
if n < 100, printf('%d ', find(~x) ); end

% Now, determine linear part, which we infer from two points.
% If lwr/upr bounds are infinite, we take special care
% e.g., we make a new "a" slightly lower/bigger, and use this
% to extract linear part.
if lwrBnd == 0
a2 = brk_pts( uprBnd );
a1 = a2 - 10; % arbitrary
aBounds = [a1,a2];
elseif uprBnd == length(brk_pts) + 1
a1 = brk_pts( lwrBnd );
a2 = a1 + 10; % arbitrary
aBounds = [a1,a2];
% In general case, we can infer linear part from the two break points
a1 = brk_pts( lwrBnd );
a2 = brk_pts( uprBnd );
aBounds = [a1,a2];

% Now we have the support, find exact value
x = xnu(( aBounds(1)+aBounds(2))/2 ); % to find the support
supp = find(x);

sgn = sign(x);
nu = ( sum(x0(supp) - lambda*sgn(supp) ) - b )/length(supp);

x = xnu( nu );


% This variant can handle several columns at once,
% and it takes exactly log2(n) iterations, as it doesn't stop early
% since different columns might stop at different steps and that's
% not easy to detect efficiently.
function x = prox_l1sum_matricized( x0, lambda, b, shrink_nu )

brk_pts = sort( [x0-lambda;x0+lambda], 'descend' );

xnu = @(nu) shrink_nu( x0 , nu );

h = @(x) sum(x) - b; % want to solve h(nu) = 0

nCols = size( x0, 2 ); % allow matrices
LDA = size( brk_pts, 1 );
offsets = (0:nCols-1)*LDA;%i.e., [0, LDA, 2*LDA, ... ];

lwrBnd = zeros(1,nCols);
uprBnd = (length(brk_pts) + 1)*ones(1,nCols);
iMax = ceil( log2(length(brk_pts)) ) + 1;

for i = 1:iMax

j = round(mean([lwrBnd;uprBnd]));
ind = find( j==lwrBnd );
j( ind ) = j( ind ) + 1;
ind = find( j==uprBnd );
j( ind ) = j( ind ) - 1;

a = brk_pts(j+offsets); % need the offsets to correct it here
x = xnu(a); % the prox
p = h(x);

ind = find( p > 0 );
uprBnd(ind) = j(ind);
ind = find( p < 0 );
lwrBnd(ind) = j(ind);


[a1,a2] = deal( zeros(1,nCols) );
ind = find( lwrBnd == 0 );
a2(ind) = brk_pts( uprBnd(ind) + offsets(ind) );
a1(ind) = a2(ind) - 10;
ind2 = ind;

ind = find( uprBnd == size(brk_pts,1) + 1 );
a1(ind) = brk_pts( lwrBnd(ind) + offsets(ind) );
a2(ind) = a1(ind) + 10;

indOther = setdiff( 1:nCols, [ind2,ind] );
a1(indOther) = brk_pts( lwrBnd(indOther) + offsets(indOther) );
a2(indOther) = brk_pts( uprBnd(indOther) + offsets(indOther) );

a = mean( [a1;a2] );
x = xnu( a );

nu = zeros(1,nCols);
sgn = sign(x);
if numel(lambda) > 1
for col = 1:nCols
supp = find( sgn(:,col) );
nu(col) = ( sum(x0(supp,col) - lambda(col)*sgn(supp,col) ) - b )/length(supp);
for col = 1:nCols
supp = find( sgn(:,col) );
nu(col) = ( sum(x0(supp,col) - lambda*sgn(supp,col) ) - b )/length(supp);
x = xnu( nu );


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