Flask Remote Admin via web browser - like a pro
If you want to run this server on machine that does not provide GUI (no windows but console only), you will not be able to run RDP plugin - so therefore in [root]/server.py comment lines 6 and 10. In requirements.txt delete line with pyautogui or it will install tons of packages to your machine for using windows GUI!!! Instead of mouse and keyboard you have flexible server files navigation, cmd-line util, and simple editor with syntaxt highlightings :)
By default server needs authentication (user: admin, pass: admin). Password is hashed before sending it to server. Authentication is session based - switching server off and on needs login again. Remote Desktop plugin at /rdp/* routes needs another authentication. Very basic session control - little bit unsafe. Switch server off when you do not need it working. Remember - this application is for learning people how to develop simple Flask applications.
For testing purposes you can switch auth process off by changing: /api/app/routes.py LOC 21 app.config['LOGIN_REQUIRED_SECURE_DECORATOR'] = True into False
Short info about plugins:
/app - main application routes - explore files in browser like in windowed based operating system
listing files in folders
server background thread for files searcher that works fine even in very deep and large files structure every new found files are shown on the fly in client browser
browsing and extracting various archives formats
two side file transfer - uploading and downloading files
remote downloading files like Linux wget command
packing files and directories for downloading them from server to client (to do :) )
simple text editor with syntax highlighting for most know computer languages
audio/video media player
html photo editor
html photo explorer
/cmd - emulator (!!!) of server's side terminal - not always commands works however its syntax is correct!
- Working under remote Python debugger, executed code inspector, simple Python IDE
/db - Early version of browser based database editor for most popular database types like: SQLite, PostgreSQL MariaDB, powered by SQLAlchemy and Pandas Python's libraries. Admin can create new tables using HTML forms, add new entries, edit them, display tables in simple way or with expandable foreign keys - with possibility to edit records in simplified way or with foreign keys. It is just a beginning of advanced database editor known from systems like phpMyAdmin. Using any databases type will not need SQLs language skills due to good God had sent people keyboard and mouse in previous century for navigating through windowed world of GUI's.
server:port/db - main database editor view, almost all CRUD functions database Admin needs is here
db/tables - HTML with links to tables in current database
db/info/<table_name> - JSON format of tables in current database
db/info/columns/<table_name> - JSON format, column names of table
db/info/structure/<table_name> - JSON format, list of dicts like:
info = { 'name': col_name, 'type': col_info.type, 'unique': col_info.unique, 'default': col_info.default, 'nullable': col_info.nullable, 'constraints': col_info.constraints, 'primary_key': col_info.primary_key, 'foreign_keys': col_info.foreign_keys, 'autoincrement': col_info.autoincrement } -
db/info/primaries - JSON format, list of all foreign references [table_name.primary_column...]
JSON format, all table content with info about foreign_keys, primary_keys, all records, structure of columns in choosen table. It is used by other routes to render table view and further CRUD operations
db/add_record/<table_name> - HTML form for adding new record with foreign keys handling
db/get_record/<table_name>//<pk_value> - JSON, fetch record by table_name, existing primary_key and
value under that primary key
db/table/<table_name> - HTML form with basic table view (unfolded foreign keys), add or edit records
db/table/fk/<table_name> - HTML form for browsing and editing tables having foreign keys
db/edit/<table_name>/<primary_key>/ - HTML form for updating records with foreign keys
db/create_table - HTML form for creating tables that columns can reference to other tables using their primary keys
db/upload [method POST] - utility for uploading CSV/XLS/XLSX/db files with content that can be loaded to current or new databases (idea just started to become a code)
db/uploaded db/uploaded?file=/path/to/uploaded/file
Routes for adding new databases or creating tables from common tabelaric content or ready databases
/rdp - Remote Desktop Protocol
- After loging with another credencials as an administrator, one can control server's mouse and keyboard to work with server by the browser. The configuration panel allows to manage other users to see the controlled screen. Flask_SocketIO is used for broadcasting screen of server machine. Remember to switch RDP off when you do not need it - casting screen is run on the separated thread that eats resources.
Lot of things to-do that even no sense to describe them :)
Mouse and keyboard enabled and tested, yupi!